About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

whats good?

You know what saying I love to hear but never use. Whats good? I love it when people say that. To me its like forget the bad news and just tell me whats good. So to all my readers a.k.a. samira whats ? I know your dieing to know whats good with me. Well my enligsh teacher who apperently might be...lesbian.....was gone today. Which is definatly a good thing!!!! Shes kind of mean. I dont like the way she runs the classroom. But the sub was nice and we did some kind of fun activitys. Choir was great as usual. And todays 11/11! I missed 11:11 so im gonna have to stay up tonight to make a wish. I think im going for world peace. :) then in history....did I mention we got new seats?I get to sit by this guy...his names sebastian....hes nice. At first I thought he would just blow me off but he makes an effort to talk to me and stuff. he models for american eagle. Hes cute. Not as cute as someone else I know but cute. And he showed me his iphone and his birthday in december. Ill keep you posted on him.

Yesturday a monster died. The person who is also known as the D.C. snipper. He was crazy and killed ten people. The weird thing about him is he had no target. He just randomly started killing people. My dad thinks that anyone who starts to do stuff like that is sick with a mental issue because no human would like to see another human die if their perfectly ok. Did he deserve the death penalty? Mariam the christian, and mariam the grudge holder have two diffrent veiws on that. Mariam the christian says that he didnt deserve the death penalty because we're all sinners and no one deserves to kill another human being except god. He should have died when the time was right and possibly gone to hell or repent and the killings be treated as a mistake. Not to mention though shall not kill is very important and the killer of him may have to deal with the sins. Mariam the grude holder says that wasent punishment enough. He died pain free when all of those people died in the worst possile way. and what about the familys of those who died who now have to live without their mommy or little sister. Does that seam fair. No! not at all. But its too late to change anything now. Do you know the U.S. is the only "civilized" country that still does the death penalty. No other countrys are doing it anymore because its inhuman. And you know ghandi said an eye for and eye makes the whole world blind. and he was a brilliant dude.

So did I mention I wrote another song with a piano part. I made a big dare. Taz asked to see my song and I gave it to her so Im gonna get a second opinion on my music. Samira you've heard the song. Its calld too bad, if you remember it. My birthdays coming up and im pretty excited about it. I will be 15!! Thats pretty exciting. Ill keep you posted on how many days till the big day. Oh and thanksgiving is coming up and Samiras coming over!!! yay! I like thanksgiving but my dad makes fun of my and says its just cause I like to eat. Isent that mean? Just because I want to be thankful im being ridiculed. Poor mariam, poor poor mariam.....

Song of the day:
Ghost - Parachute

quote of the day:
Never apolagize for showing feelings, When you do, apolagize for the truth!

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