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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I feel really bad that I didnt discuss te massacare that happened yesturday. For some reason I wasent as touched by it. Its terrible that 13 people died and stuff but its just kind of sinking in when I watched the news today. Heres a litle bit of what I saw on the news. This man was born in america but his parents are from pakestan, and he was a member of the united states army for a long time. Not fighting but as a psycologist for when tragic things happen to them army members. A couple days before he went maniac he gave away all of his stuff. He started dressing in all arabian clothes when you used to be you know one of those people who dressed in army wear. Hes from silverspring Maryland where I used to live!!! And then he went out to buy a gun and theres video of him buying one. Shows up to the army training place and just shoots like crazy. Killed 13 and wounded a lot more people then that. Before he started shooting he said god is great.

That I dont understand. I do think that god is great but if your such a believer in God why the hell are you doing what almost every religion says not to do. Thy shall not kill. Why are you harming other people of god. And shooting them. And then this guy caused a humongous religious uproar and people were defending him on live television! Before I get into that Im gonna tell you that the guy is currently is in the same hospital as the people he abused. And hes paralized and unconcious. When he gets up the psycological testing stuff will begin. I still can not decide what we should do with people like that. Part of me says they should die. But "thou shall not kill". So maybe they should be forced to comit suicide by for real making suffer. Or maybe they should get life imprisinment and wait for the torture to begin when they go to hell. This is not just refering to him this is refering to anyone whos gonna do that kind of stuff. Kill innocent people. My heart goes out to the families of those who have passed.

Chris Brown made a statment about what rihanna said but it was sweet. He said he wishes what happened between them would have stayed private (duh, she made him look like a monster. Almost worse then the guy who caused the massacre above). But he said he respects her and thinks she has the right to talk about it if she chooses too and then said she wishes her all the best. He also mentioned that "he feels terrible and is doing his best to become a better man. Also through in that people should learn from this and no that abuse is never the answer!"

Song of the day:
Cry no more (rihanna apolagy song)

Quote of the day:
I went to sleep as rihanna and woke up as britney spears - Rihanna on the day after her beating.


  1. haha. funny Rihanna quote.

    You know what, I'm tired of this. This Islam religion thing, about the way people see it. It makes every Muslim look stupid, evil, horrendous. It's just crazy. =P

  2. Not just muslims, the whole human race. Isent it sad that we as humans are so bored that we're forced to shoot people for kicks. I doubt you can really consider him a muslim because didnt he basically go against everything when he murdered innocent people? Hes just a wacko along with the d.c. snipper who was killed yesturday. The crime rate is going on as we speak. Promise me you'll never be a murder, k?
