About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A new sense of freedom

Yesturday the coolest thing happened. I'm pretty sure I mentioned glee and the janet jackson interview. So I did everything I was supposed too and parked myself in front of the television. And I was pretty sure around 9:30 my dad would yell," Mariam! Go to bed!" and that would be it for my interview. But the time ticked on and my dad never said it. Even though he was upstairs and could hear the tv on. At 10:00 I said good-bye and went to bed and wasent even in trouble! They trust me! Isent that so cool!!! I know most kids can stay up whenever they want since like sixth grade but its diffrent for me.....my parents are pretty strict. It was a big day.

The interview was wondeful. I never really felt like I wanted to be like a celebrity before, but after that interview I figured out I want to be like janet Jackson when I grow up. Shes 43 but still pretty and in style which I would absolutley love. She lives in a big beautiful house by the beach. She has a sense of family , and shes a millionare. Shes sucsessful and down to earth. Not to mention shes an amazing dancer and has really white teath. Can you say role model? The only thing missing is that perfect guy for her but some day she'll hook up with the perfect celeb like leonardo dicapprio or something and then she'll have that happy ending she needs. I know Samira isent her biggest fan but....shes a good person and donates to charity!!! Oh and shes comfortable with herself. I need to reach that point where I like me and the way I look and stuff. im pretty close to there but I just need to be healthier first. And then ill be on the first step towards being like janet jackson! Did I mention I need hair like that?

The most weird thing happened. Ok so it may just be the boy apprciation syndrom ive been having but today I reacted to a guy in a reallllly werid way. I was in second hour spanish and we have delivery people who deliver stuff for students. And this one asian girl always delivers for second hour. Today this one guy who I sort of said I was over yesturday walked in and had a note. He looked right at me and smiled but I thought he may be looking at his ex who was sitting behind me. First of all its really odd that he was the delivery guy. Then it turned out the note was for ME to go to the student services office. But my teacher just would not let me leave and what if he was waiting for me!! But anyways the whole point was when he smiled at me in this cute and cool sweater my whole body reacted. My heart started beating fast and I felt like my body was a machine brought to life and then weirdly...my period started. Right then! He caused my body to turn on! haha he turned me on. He made me feel alive, and he didnt even say anything except for your welcome and smile cutley. Conncection? Maybe but I wonder if he felt anything. Hes single right now but we havent spoken since fahtmas birthday party when I was in 5th grade and he happened to also be at the pool. Weird huh? I wonder if he remembers.....ok so the guy appriciation continues.

Thanksgiving seems kind of like a dissapointment since Samira wont be coming :(! I wish there was some way it would work out. But theres always Auntie Khadijas I guess. Your going right? So I still will see you!

p.s... the oprah show ends in 2011 after 25 seasons!! can you believe it! A world without the oprah show!!! But apperently there might be an oprah CHANNEL after that which makes it ok.

Song of the day:
Superstar- Taylor swift

Quote of the day:
A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it.

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