News falsh, News flash! First of all theres a matter we need to celebrate!!! Obamas health care bill was passed in the house!!! No that dosent mean that its going to become a bill but it was the first step towards sucsess. This is really good news because I was a little worried that Obama was loosing his touch and that he may become as hated as bush but this proved that all those terrible comericals and stuff is just the republicans. By the way, only one republican voted yes on the bill. Thier so mean when they gang up on people. Never be a republican. Its bad, bad bad bad!
Ok so the second newsflash was do you know theres a new type of war our there now? Its called cyber war. no I dont mean girls calling other girls fat online, thats cyber bullieing but not cyber war. Their equally bad I think. Only in diffrent ways. But a cyber war is when other countreys are hacking into each others computers and spying on what their government is doing. An unknown country hacked into brazils computer system and managed to shut down all of that countreys electricity for free. It didnt cost anything. Its suspected that in the future this will be the new kind of war. I like this better because no one dies its more like little kid fighting, playing pranks on each other and stealing money from daddys wallet. Only this isent 50 cents this is like millons of dollers were talking about. The U.S. has been hacked into twice and it hasent been that drastic but their protecting out computer systems more because we must remain "the most powerful country in the WORLD". :)
You know what really, really, really gets on my nearves. Those irrectile disfunction commericials. I think I hate those more then like anything. Especially when im watching tv with my family and then suddenly "are you having trouble getting in the mood (with a creepy old man speaking.". I understand that its like a sickness and stuff but something seems wrong about it. Some guy talking about how he know...perform on tv in the middle of cartoon network or something. I think if I was a guy id feel the same way about pad comercials. Those are pretty bad too with the gigantic pad on the big screen and blood dripping on it. These are both real issues but honestly not meant for all ages and family enviorments. They can show whatever they want on adult swim but those comericals bug me. Same with the, "are you pregnent. By a pregnancy test right now because you never know". Yes you can know. If you are abstinent there is now way you can be pregnent unless your the virgin mary. right? Am I the only one who gets bugged by that kind of commerical? Im just letting of steam.
Song of the day:
Never knew I needed - Neyo
quote of the day:
And they lived happily ever after ( I love when books or movies end like that. They make you feel good inside) :D
LOL! HAHA. Love your description of the commercials. I can relate to it.