Ding ding ding. It is first hour. Im in my english class and my teachers not there. We got this substitue. We just finished reading twealfth night on thursday and the story line was good and exactly like the one of shes the man. No matter how many all 3 of her classes begged her the teacher would not let us watch that and insited on the ancient boring version. So this girl in our class brought shes the man. She slowly sent it up towards the front of the room and this girl switched the dvd. The directions on the subs sheet was to just press play. The video would be there already. So she did and it was shes the man!!! She was laughing along and she totally loved it. She didnt catch on at all. The other classes watched it to and in fourth our this other girl was supposed to switch the dvds back before Ms. G.I. Joe got back. But the substitute teacher saw her and she ran for it. The sub caught up to her and made her give it back because she was "stealing the schools property". It was all pretty worth it. It was my first ever time witnissing a school prank that went through :)
I figured something out. Im totally growing up. Im done with all the stupid drama and I realized that although boys are fantastic, I mean NO one can disagree after they've seen a shirtless Taylor Lautner.....I dont really need them to be happy. I'm pretty happy as it is right now. Winter formals coming up and I wanted to ask this guy to take me and it would be a date but we wouldent be dating and I realized if he said no it wouldent be the end of the world. I would just dance with my friends and have a good time like I always do. Maybe everything I used to think was a big deal was really nothing. Its intresting how my mindset has changed. I kind of like the new Mariam way of thinking.....
A life changing news event came out yesturday. Oprah announced on her show that season 25 will be her last year of doing the show. No more oprah. Can you believe it? She said there was no definate reason except for that it felt right to be leaving after 25 years. She spent half of her life doing the show and had some pretty legendary interviews. Tom cruise jumping up and down on her couch, one of three michael jackson interviews in all 50 of his years of living. Shes had all the big respectable celelbritys. Had more seasons then any other show. Shes a sucsess. I was talking to my dad and although he didnt agree at all, but I said that its almost like a dieing family member. Ever since I was born Oprahs been on the t.v. with us at 4:00 everyday. Never one day has it been cancelled or has she missed a big event that happened in the last 25 years. Its sad that its ending. Although it is going till 2011 the idea of an end to it is pretty sad...
Song of the day: Under control - parachute
Quote of the day: Do you have a.d.d? -Sisi. Im not sure, but I bet i dont because thats just what they call stupid kids to make them feel better - Daniel. It was hilarious in class.
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