About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Great day!

I had one of the worlds best days today and I figured I should share it with you. I woke up late because I didnt hear my alarm or something happened and I figured that that was the sure sign to a failure day. So I had to do everything 3 times as fast then made it to school with barley enough time. I got to orchestra and we played my favortie winter concert piece. A christmas festival which is really jolly and stuff. And guess who showed up? Peter! Have I told you about peter. well hes this blond, blue eyed senior boy!! Very cute. And whenever he comes to orchestra he goes right to the back of the room and sits next to me and we play. I mean maybe its because he wants to share music but he has his own and Im hoping its because he likes sitting by me. I guess ill admit to flirting a little bit :) Apperently im the most obvious flirter in the world. but anyways. After orchestra he came AGAIN into my seminar class and we talked. Thats a really big accomplishment for me. And guess who else came to seminar? Another blond blue eyed boy. Rueban. And I talked to him as well. i have competition...my friend olivia...but I honestly think i have a better chance then her, not to be mean.

Its was a great day for my love life. Then right after school Samira called and it was great!! The day just kept getting better. I got my hair done and then when I got home I found out my mommy cooked african lasanga. mmmm. It is delicious. Its basically pasta with mchuzi, some other stuff and cheese and its yum. But right after that i realized I had homework. and I did that for an hour. and did have time to call back samira! Ill have to call her tommorow. I had like an actual point to discuss but I forgot it and hopefully ill remember by tommorow.

song of the day:
Forever and always (piano version)

Quote of the day:
Ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch? the wiked witch!

1 comment:

  1. You never run out of things to say huh? Well, I hope you remember that point to discuss.

    I'm watching George Lopez and it's really funny, like always.

    OMG< I see some DRAMAAAA! HUh? Seniors. :) Must have been a wonderful day for you.

    It's ok about the calling.

    Glad you are having nice days. Careful about those boys Mariam.
