Today I came up with the conclusion that I dont really know what I want. I dont think I ever have known what I want except that I want to graduate from college and high school and have a high paying job, good friends, a boyfriend, and long hair. Other then that I dont really know where im going or what im doing to try to acheive these things. I feel kind of confuzed about myself. Its very weird. But I do know that I change my mind a lot but apperently thats normal. Im a teenager "finding" myself and I admit it.
I took one small step for man, and one giant step for humanity today. I composed one of my peices on the piano. Its the too bad song. I love at and I can sing it pretty well and with feeling. It was my first hit in my book and I put it on the piano and I got a lot more questions from my family about it then I thought. I didnt sing the words because its about me not being right for the guy I want and stuff and I most DEFINATLY didnt want to go into who the guy I want is and stuff. Im too embarassed to talk about that kind of thing to my parents. Anyone else is ok but my parents are just....idk.
I've decided that there are some bad things about helping other people. Because when your helping them whos helping you? This probably sounds like a selfish approach but im starting to think that if eveyrone just helped themselves we wouldent be in this weird position with so many homeless and crazy people. Maybe if we all just focased on our own problems and forgot about everyone elses we would actually be able to solve them and stay out of trouble. So the motto of the day is M.Y.O.B (mind your own buisness). I think this policy will get everyone a long way.
Song of the day:
Too bad by Mariam Ali
Quote of the day:
Not admitting a mistake is a bigger mistake
Congrats Mari!!! I'm so happy you got that song written out and everything. Seth is working on a song too. Good luck to all my music buddies.