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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ok so im gonna take you back through the thought process that made me think about this. I was thinking about winter formal and one thought led to another and I remembered my old formal dress and how terrible it would be if I never wore it again then I thought, hey! maybe ill get invited to a wedding and I can wear it then. So I started thinking about weddings and it got me thinking about something else. Africa is the poorest country in the world right? hands down they win. But who has the most fabulous weddings. Africans. Theres a family whos LEGENDARY for their weddings in zanzibar known as the mawhite family weddings which occour every other year. And one year no one was getting married that they knew but they HAD to have a wedding so they married off cousins. gross huh? Anyways, african weddings can be up to ten days long.

You have the reception, the akdi or the church serimony, then you have chai (tea party), then you have the lunch, then you have the hina (hena tatoos put all over the bride before she weds to look pretty) , then you have the sanduku (all woman, a bad full of clothes and stuff for the bride), and then you have the party for the "younger" people (basically 60 and down) to dance. I cant even think about the other two excuses to party. The weddings they have in africa are these really elabirite thing with a stage for the bride and groom, then little cotten things with bow to put over the chairs, flowers everywhere, balloons and a ton of food. They always hire a dj, and singers and its this big celebration.

Now we have the american wedding. America is the richest nation in the world. hands down. its normally a one day things with the akdi, synegoge thing (excuse my really bad knowledge of jewish terms), the athiest wedding with nothing but rings and signing forms, and then the church ceremony in the morning. and then afterwards MAYBE they'll have a reception not at a hotel but outside and use plastic chairs and maybe theres a band or an orchestra. Theres not stage. The dress isent elabarate. Its just your average party that ends before dinner so they dont have to pay for food for the guests. Can you see the diffrence?

Now I began to ask myself why does it work this way. How come the richest country has such a simple cheap wedding and the african country has elabarate expensive weddings. There are two answers in my book. The first is simple thinking. The reason that america is richer then africa is because they DONT spend all that money on weddings, and stuff and focas on making nice homes for themselves and their family. Where as africans would rather have a big blowout then not have enough money for anything but rice after the wedding. So its name and what people thing of your first. The second is just the way our society works. An american person can not afford to take 9 days off work to party. In africa, tanzania at least if someone in your family is getting married or died you can just leave work for as long as it takes to celebrate. no questions asked. Its pretty likley that your boss wont go to work either and party. And also American culture is to take a honeymoon. and those are sort of expensive so its more of a private celebration then somehting that involves a whole comunity. Intresting huh? Now I want to find out how chinesee, mexican, and australian weddings work to compare. If you know anything about them hit me up! :)

song of the day:
You belong with me taylor swift

quote of the day:
Whats cookin, good lookin ;) (wink)
Harusi ni watu na watu ni sisi - A wedding is people and the people are us

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