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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Afterward of my latest book

After finishing my book by that rabbi ive come to the conclusion that America sucks. There are some pretty big topics he talked about at the end of the book that didnt just have to do with michael jackson but with eveyrone. He talked about how we live in a society that worships celebrity. "By making fashion models our role models, Hollywood heroines, our heros, and singers into saints, we have created a shallow and vain society, distinguished not by sacrafice but by indulgence. We have created a culture known not for virtue, but for vanity. And out country is becoming therefore not more dedicated but decandent (?). The consequences are perilous for the indivisuals who suffer and for all of us caught up in the distorted national obbsession. For the most part young people would rather be directors than docters, rock stars than rabbis. And we wounder why the youth appear narcissistic and directionless".

I thought that was a really strong paragraph mostley because its all true. If you gave me a choice of being a doctor or director in the snap of my figners i'd pick director. I totally have this celebrity sydrom. I adore them and I think they live great lives. And unfortunetly on my list of importent people angelina jolie comes before president bush or carter. (shes equal to obama). And I can understand that this has to change. American society puts more emphasis in celebrity than family. And it pretty much sucks.

He also talks about how although michael jackson had a million fans with his picture on the wall he didnt have the most important one. A wife. The rabbi shmuley talks about how his most important fan is his wife. He puts pictures of him on the wall and when hes walking next to michael jackson her eyes are all on him. And most celelbritys dont have a big fan like that. It was pretty intense the way that shumley judged society (i just love saying shmuley) its funny.

song of the moment:
How do you sleep - Jesse McCartney (its stuck in my head)

Those who PLAY the heros have become the cultures actual heros - Rabbi Shmuley


  1. I know! I love the name Shmuley too. He is saying the truth though, about American society. YOU DO HAVE CELEBRITY SYNDROME! =]

  2. Isnet is great! Shmuley, shmuley, shmuley!!:) . I know I admit I have a problem but so does every other american out there. Including you, only you keep it a secret.
