About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Monday, January 4, 2010

you know what makes me mad? Girls that dumb themselves down for a guy. I never qutie understood why it worked out that way. And I also didnt get why the guy wanted a stupid girl in the first place. But the sad thing is this whole thing still exsists. Girl fails class and asks guy for help when she very well knows how to do the work. But who wants to spend the rest of their life with someone really slow? I will never understand that aspect of the guys mind. Is it so they can easily control the girl? Or is it so they can manipulate them without them understanding whats going on? Anyways its intresting, and I saw someones facebook status that said soething about how the perfect girl dosent talk and just stands there and looks pretty. If only that poor guy knew that, that made him look like a loser saying that. he autimatically went on my never in my life list ( I dont have one of those but I think I should make one, or people i'd never date and things i'd never do so if I bumb my head and loose all memories I know not to make htose stupid mistakes).

M new years resolutions are going well. I went to the gym today. Guess who was there? This guy that used to sit by me in history. I dont know why but it made the whole thing really awkward. Me on the treadmill, and bike. The worst though was I was on a thigh work out machine where you spread your legs as wide as possible with weights connected to it. You REALLY feel the burn and who dosent want the worlds most perfect bottom half? Anyways so I Was on that machine and he was just watching and it was too weird. Thank goodness my mom decided to go home soon afterwards. Dont worry though, that will not make me give up on that resolution. I'm trying to sign up for a membership. Now if only the money fell from the sky...

Winter break is almost over. Its unbelievable. I Completley forgot what it was like to wake up at the crack of done and make 0 hour. Its just kind of dissapointing. My days of relaxing and letting my hair go wildish and stuff are over. School tends the bring up the worst in me. Dont get me wrong I go to a fabulous school. And whats most important at the end of the day is the fact that I'm learning and getting good grades, but being around some of those people just make me more negative. And I get sucked into things that arent terrible but just bring down my ora or something like that. At least I dont have to worry about finals though (sorry samira). I'm also kind of scared though because I have a first hour teacher who is supposed to be godzilla. And the worst part is that shes my chemistry teacher, and I really have to understand the subject in order to do good in my future career choice. wish me luck readers. now i'm off to watch SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER SEASON PREMIRE!!! (really excited about it if you cant tell)

song of the day: Fireflis - Owl city (It dosent really have that good of a message or anything but i cant get the song out of my head. I also always though owl city was a band but really its just one guy. Who would have known)

Quote of the day: He that would live in peace and at ease must not speak all he knows or all he sees.


  1. Hey Mariam. How are you? I'm so happy that you went to the gym. I couldn't believe it. And that guy was totally hitting on you (stay away from him)!!!! >.> hehe.

    We didnt start school yet because of the snow days. yay!

    About the girls dumbing themselves down, that is stupid. Those are the guys you gotta stay away from. MArrying them would be a huge trap for the girl. Because she would have be expected to be dumb and under control.

    ~ Sami

  2. Hey!! I'm good. Guess what? 4 days till your birthday!!!! I know, i'm actually doing something. hitting on me huh? too bad it just made my life super awkward. I saw him at school today but we no longer have any classes together so i'll sucseed in staying away :)

    really? I'm totally jealous. I went back today and i was just about to blog about my first day back...

    talk to you soon!
