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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So I realized something today. I cant complain about my blog remaining on noticed if I dont read that many other blogs myself. I think i'll try to discover some good blogs soon. How were all of your days? Mine had a shakey start. My alarm didnt go off and i've been sleeping like a baby latley. So I open my eyes and i'm like wow its light out. Then it clicks that there shouldent be light out. I woke up 30 minutes later than usual. So I got dressed. Put the contacts in. made myself look decent and rushed to the car. Ofcourse my parents dont even notice that I was sleeping. Since I started high school i'm dependent to them so little things like that are up to me.

You know family is really important. This isn't just random, but its not talked about a lot. The first people who are ever there for you are your mother and father. And from then on you kind of expand your definition of family to all the people in your life. aunts and uncles. cousins. grandparents. The whole shabang. But they're your blood. You are of the same thing you know. And you should love them because they have unconditional love for you. Nothing beats the love a mother has for her child. And its only fair for the child to repay this love or else its not good. I heard this story today about this boy whos getting in a lot of trouble. His mom cant do anything because shes getting older and hes been hitting her and stealing from her. Its really tragic. And the mom wont call the police or anything, because thats her baby. She cant do that to him. And she shouldent be doing that to her. So other people are gonna try to intervine. She gave him all her love and care and he couldent return it. you dont be him. Love your family and make them your priority. :)

Diversity club was really really fun today. I really like that club but I havent broken out of my shell in there yet. I'm still not comfortable just being me. But today we did this fun game where we had to list 3 things we talk to our friends about. And it was secretly a plot for us to get to know each other better (and some weird teacher thing). Anyways it was fun. Then we had the serious talk part of the day. We discussed how the history we learn in school is from the Europian white mans point of veiw. It makes us feel like it was all white people who discovered earth and came up with all the cool inventions but there were blacks, latinos, asians, and indians in the mix making significant additions to the earth and america as we know it. Its sad that we dont get to learn about it, because I think it makes us less of believers.

Maybe the reason "white man" has been bringing the rest of us down for so long is because we let them. Its sunk it our brain that us colorful people cant do it as well. And you start believing it without even knowing it. In diversity club we are going to start learning more about the people whos stories are never told. We're self empowering ourselves. Its nice. And the cool thing about diversity club is that the people in there are so unjudgmental. They dont act like what you just said is stupid or uncool. they like you for who you are. There needs to be more people like that in the world. Try to be that person.

I feel really bad that I havent talked about the earthquake in Hati yet. I guess it just didnt seem like that big of a deal to me at first because when I think earthquake I think lindsey lohan movie where the earth shakes around a little and the world is back to normal. But its more tragic then that. Buildings have fallen and people are dieing like flies. The country of Hati is basically a third world country. Their people are poor and dont really have much to begin with . The sad thing is that the little they had with their homes, and technolagy was crushed in this earthquake. Whats even sadder is the videos of the dead bodys laying everywhere. Cnn showed a really graphic one of this building falling and this human slowley being crushed. no one can help him because the building is on top of him and his hand is wiggiling untill it just stops. Saddest thing ever. Pray for them or keep them in your happy thoughts. Whatever it is you do to wish people better lifestyle. It does help though that Barack Obama wrote a check for 100,000 dollars for the country of Hati. Teddy something who owns cnn wrote a check for a billion dollars but thats over time and goes into affect for the United Nations to help all disasters similar to this. But still I cant even imagine that much money. Not in my wildest dreams.

American Idol has begun and its put big smiles on my face. This one girl names Maddy was super good. And then there was this one girl who sang an alicia keys song that might just win. She had one of the best voices and the face and body to match. Guy wise there was some cuties with booties (just kidding voices is what I really mean). And the guy who made my life was this 62 year old man singing "pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground. Gold in your mouth hat turned sideways lookin like a fool wit your pants on the ground". It was the funniest thing ever. I'll post a link.

Song of the day: Pants on the ground - General Larry Platt

Quote of the day: It is a kingly act to assist the fallen. n
And Randy Jackson: I'm going to get all my pants some new belts after this.

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