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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yesterday President Barack Obama gave me hope, after the state of the union speech. Every year I try to listen to that and in years past I've always fell asleep along with my mother and most of my family. But yesterday was different. I felt the passion in his voice and I agreed with everything he said. For those of you who didn't listen to the president of our great country i'll fill you in. He did talk about how he's not going to give up on health care reform. He discussed how he's going to do things for the environment and try and get a bill through the house that involves tax credits to companies who try to make their factories environmentally friendly. Mr. President also talked about how the government needs to cut down on money and use more common sense which I totally agree on. What pleased me most was what he said about how its not about Democrats or Republicans its about the American people. And he talked about how we should be fighting to remain the number one country in the world and cant let people get ahead of us. His ending just warmed my heard. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America. I just love hearing those words. Because it reminds me that although he's in charge even he is nothing compared to God.

I watched Jay Leno on Oprah today and I really felt for him. Oprah did a poll and 98% of the people said they thing what Jay did was wrong. I am actually on Jays side. For starters the job was his first. And the second thing is O'brien got payed 48 million dollars to leave. I'm looking for people to give me half that amount of money so I never have to work again. And Jay Leno did not make the decision to cut his show. The original plan was to move the C. O'brien show an hour later. Then he didn't except that and NBC decided they were not going to pathetically beg him to stay. Not to mention the ratings went down while he was in charge of the tonight show. So in reality Jay Leno had nothing to do with it at all. So those of you who stay up till the late hours of the night please watch Jay Leno when he comes back.

I was also watching the Tyra show a couple days ago and she did this weird show on "transgenders". to tell you the truth I wasn't a hundred percent sure what that meant before the show. But now I understand that it means a person who had a sex change. I don't even understand why anyone would want to be anything other then what they are. I for one LOVE being a woman. Periods, cramps, and all. But I guess there are people out there who feel like they were born the wrong gender. And these people have the worlds worst parents who get them sex changes at 5 years old. It was the saddest thing i've ever seen. There was this one guy that affected me the most. He was born a girl (they had a picture of him/her right before the change and she was normal looking in a dress and matching bow), but then he decided he needs to be a boy and that was what he was meant to be. So he had the change and he's fifteen years old. He still feels that way. He gets hormone injections all the time and has now found away to grown chest, leg, and arm hair. At first glance you can not even tell that he was once a she. And he said he had a girlfriend whom he told about the change. EWWW! I would be disgusted. And then the weird thing is that he mother is engaged to this guy that also had a change. In my book that mom is a lesbian. Because that "guy" was born a girl. Am I just old fashioned or what? It was definatley weird.

Song of the day:
Strut- cheetah girls

Quote of the day:
Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope.

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