I realized something today. It all came to me while I swirling my fork to get the spagettis. I figured out something about males and females. Females have more options, kind of. Well they either have more options or they are willing to take more life risks. Like with girls they can wear pants, skirts, or dresses. Guys can only wear pants. Girls can do so many things with their hair and it be accepted but guys have to keep it not too short but not too long. When it comes down to prom girls can pick so many diffrent kinds of dresses (long, short, sparkly) and guys have to wear a tux most likley black and can only get creative with their tie. Or girls have more shoe options then guys do. Long story short thank god i'm a girl. I like my options and keeping them open. Maybe this is just because guys dont really feel a need to be "Diffrent", where all girls dont want to be like everyone else. But they want to be diffrent in a way that is similar to others hence the diffrent options of the same thing. Did I just find another puzzle peice? Yes. I. Did. :)
Remeber in the last blog I talked about Kendras wedding. There was a moment I forgot to meantion. Ok so right before they were about to leave for the wedding they had walkie talkies. And Hank walkie talkied Kendra and said the sweetest thing. He was like "I cant wait to see you and I cant wait for you to be my wife, so I can love and take care of you forever. This is the first day or the best thing that ever happened to me." It was so sweet.
Speaking of weddings and such (again), you know theres like the wedding day traditions. Like the day before the wife and husband cant see each other. I really like that one. I think it just makes it so much more special when they do see each other because they've felt what it was like to be apart and they finally get to be together forever. I wonder how people get any sleep the day before the best moment of their lives. I would be up all night worrying about tripping or something. Which actually does happen people? Practice walking in those pretty shoes before hand.
I'm at this weird place in my life where I dont know if I want to keep up with this being a kid or if I'm ready to grow up and start all the adventures that life has to offer. I really like my life right now. Sometimes I wonder if it can get better? Like what if this is the peak of our lives and it goes downhill from here. I mean it would be good that we hit a peak in the first place but sad if this is as good as it gets and it just gets worse. I really hope thats theres always room for life to get better. But it is intresting that your actions impact the whole rest of your life. What if writing this very sentence changes the whole rest of my life. It makes me wonder what things i've done gave me a negative resut and which things I didnt even notice gave me a posative result.
I believe I blogged about the law of attraction before. Its this weird thing that some people believe. Its been proven to work multiple times. Its the idea that if you think about what you want posativly. It has to be thinking about what you want to happen not what you dont want to happen. You think about what you want and it will happenn. Like think; I want to go to Italy this summer. Over and over again. It will happen. The world will some how make it happen. It also talks about how when something bad happens you should brush it off or else the negative energy will just bring more negative things towards you. Weird huh? I wonder if its right. I tried it once. I Thought about what I wanted to happen for like a whole minute. It was very unrealistic but maybe If I think something that has a better chance of happening it will work. I'm thinking it as we speak. :)
Song of the day: Do you remember - Jay Sean (still love it)
quote of the day: "Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two." -St. Augustine
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