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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There were so many topics to discuss for todays blog, i had to make a list. I'll have to start with my life. I went back to school today, my winter break is officially over. I have to say, I already really really really miss it. I went back to school and already the negative energy poured into me. But its ok. My scheduale changed and I have a lot more classes with people who i'm not that good of friends with. its kind of sad. Lunch is different. I should be really happy I guess because akira and Olivia are now in that lunch but before it was kind of my chance to spread out and hang out with a diffrent group of people but that has now ended. Those boys....break does wonders for them. New haircuts, clothes, and smiles will make you want to pass out. But guess what? Thats not enough anymore. I've let go of them because looks is just not going to last a lifetime and I dont really want to end up with any of them. so freestate boys have officially lost the war. :)

There is a little bit of drama going on in lawrence that I didnt hear about while hiding out in my house. So apperently there was a robbery involving 5 guys. Some of them went to my school. The two african american people who were involved in the robbery got sent to jail. The three caucasion males were left with a warning and one of them was put on house arrest. None of them were over 22. Isn't that the saddest thing. They're already failing at life before the real tests has come. But anyways now its this big race things about why those two got but in jail and the others didnt. It kind of sunk into me today that they arent very many people of color around. In all of my adanced classes i am the only one. I guess i'm used to it and dont feel weird anymore, but it kind of dissapoints me that i'm the only person of african or mexican origin that is actually challenging myself. I guess it might be because the rest are rotting in jail...so sad...so so sad...

Secret life of the american teenager was amazing yesturday. I loved, loved, loved it BUT I'm not going to give anything away because you all should be watching it on your own. It is really good, and they talk about the subjects that are awkward with other people. You learn while laughing and enjoying yourself. But anyways I got to thinking about the people who are being forgotten in our community right now. Teen fathers. Does that sound weird together to you? You never really hear about it but part of the reason you dont is because most of them just arent around. I've always thought that in the states that abortions are legal in, the guy should have a say on wheather or not he wants to keep his child. it is also his child people. And if you get into "well its her body", then he should have to pay her the same price as a surrogate and for all her hospital bills. He should also have to support that child and be the legal gaurdian of them forever. But they never really get that oppurtuity. And no one really feels compassionate towardst he teen fathers. their like no big deal. But someone needs to be out there fighting for them too, dont you think?

Then while the thoughts of all the trouble that teens go through I began thinking about their parents. Have you noticed that when a little kid does something wrong the parents dont really think twice about it. they scold them and point them in the wrong direction but then its over because most likley it wasent anything too serious. When teenagers get in trouble it really really hurts the parents. Not physically but emotional because to them they have failed to raise their child the right way. In gossip girl they always meantion how in the upper east side they only meantion their sucsessful children. Its a dissapointment when someone you loved and had such high hopes for goes off and gets pregnent or robs a bank. I also think parents who have good kids need to be a little more loose. I mean with some things I can understand, but without rewarding those children then what exactlys keeping them from becoming the bad kids? haha gotcha its something to think about (not like any parents are reading this)

song of the day: Baby its cold outside :)

quote of the day: Love in the real world means saying you're sorry 10 times a day.

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