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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I guess you can say i'm trying to reach my inner artist. I tried to write a song today. I had a paticular feeling that I was trying to write about. I had an image in my mind, I knew what feeling it was, but for some reason I couldent write it. I couldent express the feeling in words. That may be an issue when your a song writer. When someone says the name of a feeling like love. I think of people hugging, kissing, dancing, holding hands, proposing. Their all images but not of them are words. That may be the little block between me righting an ok song and me writing a good song. I need to figure out the words for the things i'm feeling. It may also help with people getting a greater understanding of me. If I cant just think of words to discibe the images in my head.

I've always admired art work. Like paintings. They have to be really special for me to like them though. The thing is I really dont enjoy museums. Theres too much of the same thing all over the walls. I dont like that. I like things that are diffrent. And I guess I perfer art by people I know, so I cant compare it to their being. I cant try to think of the emotion they felt when they were drawing it. I cant tell how much effort they put into it and it can help me get a greater understanding of them.

I watched Kendras wedding yesturday. I just love weddings. We dont watch them as much around the house anymore but I stilll love them. Kendras wedding was perfect. the colors, the decor, and the music were amazing. But what was even more cool is that you could tell they loved each other. And their familys made room in their hearts for one more. And they were close. In perfect bliss. The whole wedding itself was a work of art. It was wonderfully decorated. They had a floral desiner do miricles with flowers. it was the coolest thing. I think her and khloe kardashian tied for weddings of the year. If I had to pick I think i'd pick kendras. But she had more time to plan the whole thing and got a wedding planner.

Enjoy your weeked everyone and dont party too hard. It is a saturday night but....

song of the day: Invisible - Taylor Swift

quote of the day:
She can’t see the way your eyes light up when you smile
She’ll never notice how you stop and stare whenever she walks by
And you can’t see me wantin you the way you want her
But you are everything to me

And I just wanna show you
She don’t even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
You just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable instead of just invisible

- Taylor swift (invisible)

I really like this song because I relate to it. I relate to all her songs and have been listening to them basically non stop since yesturday. I guess their hitting the spot right in the middle of my heart that I cant shake off. All kinds of thoughts just keep popping into my mind and my hearts trying to tell me something I just dont quite know what it is.

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