To be honest I almost forgot that today was back in the day post day. Are you guys enjoying these? It kind of makes me think back and I think it helps you see kind of how I got to this place in my life now. So ever since I was a kid you can say I was a fan of documenting my life. When I was about 4 years old my parents gave me this old tape recorder and it may have been one of the best gifts they ever gave me. I used it all the time. I would record myself singing somewhere over the rainbow or just me telling silly stories then giglling at the end. My parents were good about getting me tapes to record with. When I was little my jam was the jeopardy waiting music. I loved it a lot for some reason. So I had one tape of just the little do doo do doo thing. I'll show you a pic of my with my tape recorder...
So on one of the last days I used my tape recorders it got me into trouble. I was in the back seat of my dads old grey car and in the front seat was one of his friends. I had the window open sticking on hand out and the other one holding on to my favorite little tape recorder. I was recording myself singing the barney theme song really quietly so my dad and his friend coulden't hear. My dads friend was just talking away this whole time. After I was done with the "wont you say you love me too" part I rewinded the tape (yes I said we were taking it back a few years) and got to the part where I started singing. I was super dissapointed becuase you couldent hear me at all but before I could do anything about my dads friend turned around to me and said in swahilli " your a bad girl! You can record what people are saying like that. You need to erase that right now you hear me. Bani, talk to you child". It tunred out he was trash talking his wife and I got it on tape. He didn't find it very funny and scared me to tears. After that I was careful about when I used my tape recorder and the fun ended.
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