About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"You Know you love me/You know you care/Just shout whenver & ill be there/You want my love/you want my heart/&we'll never ever be apart" - Baby J.B.

Hi Readers
Hows life? Mine is actually pretty good. I'm in a good mood. You know why? One because i'm on the mission. Whats the mission? To make the last week of july/begining of augast be the best of my life by going to both the justin bieber concert and lady gaga concert. Ok, so what i'm about to tell you is super embarassing. None of you can tell anyone or else I would die. I only trust you with this precious information because you have to be pretty darn cool to be reading the blog and with coolnss comes compassion and with compassion comes understanding. Your probably saying get to the point already. The point is I caught bieber fever. I know its pathetic. But understand I was never one of those disney child star loving people. I never liked the jonas brothers of other disney freaks but this justin guy hes diffrent. He totally has swagger, hes only a year older then me, killer smile, and an awesome voice. How could I not fall head over heels. Not to meantion hes touring with the one and only sean kingston so fate is saying MARIAM MUST GO! And ignoring fate is criminal so cross your fingers for me to go and zip your lips about the emabarassing fever.

I have a random fact of information. I am one of those girls who has been planing her wedding from birth. It's gonna be the best day of my life and I already know it. I can invision the whole thing in my mind and its pretty amazing. But anyways part of this fantasy has been to wear a Vera Wang wedding dress. Guess who Vera Wang hung out with this week? Kim Kardashian.Theres a picture of the two together on the people's magazine website. And guess what? Vera Wang is...not what I accepted. For starters shes asain. Never knew that. And the second thing is shes kind of old. Like she was wearing no makeup and a not Vera Wang-y outfit. I was like wow, thats so unaccepted. Vera Wang is...normal. Wow! It dosen't change the fact that I want to wear a Vera Wang it just caught me by suprise.

Well readers this ones short today because I must got watch American Idol. Oooh and I got my hair done today. It looks pretty good :)

song of the day: Find your love - Drake (I cannot stop listening to this freaking song its so good). Anyone who knows about good music know that this is the stuff. For the record I know it was the song of the day yesturday too but.......its sooo good

quote of the day: Be the change you wish to see in the world - ghandi

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