So today im gonna tackle a serious subject, mistkaes. Give me the name of one person whos never made a mistake in his life and hes a lying. Ive made mistakes, you've made the stakes, even obama makes mistakes. We're human and happens. But what makes some humans better then others is the power for them to admit they've done something wrong. It may be one of the hardest things that we do. Admit to our mistakes and..*gasp*...apolagize.
To a lot of people apolagizing means one of two things both of which are semi-wrong. One is that by apolagizing thier admitting defeat and letting go of their beliefs and deep down inside they know the other person is right but they dont want to let it go. (Newsflash if you really like arguing that much theres this thing called debate. Its good for you). Then there are other people who are constantly apolagizing even though they arent the ones who made the mistake. Their being the better person which is always a good thing but whats bad about it is if the other person dosent realize they were the wrong ones they will never change the way they are and end up making the same mistake again, and again, and again.We as human beings are supposed to learn from our mistakes. And those who can have the best potential at greatness. ANd come on everyone wants some magic.
Today these people came in during womans choir and did a 30 minute oprea performance. For your information oprea isent my thing. Their voices are beautiful but im easily bored with it. And it just starts getting on my nearves. sorry but its the truth. So they were doing their thing and at the end there is like a question and answer time and they started talking abotu thier lives. I never realized how hard it was to be an entertainer. This one guy says he sees his family once a year or christmas because hes so busy practicing and trying to make ends meet all year. This other girl said that she cant have any friends outside her production because she dosent have time to keep the relationship going. The piano player practices a whooping 5 hours a day! eh! I could never do it. And the sad thing is all their time and effort is wasted because they wont make it. Im sorry but there are a million and one entertainers out there and although they had amazing voices none of the clicked as something id pay to see. So anyway that and a chemist is officially crossed off my list of things I want to be.
Song of the day:
Figured out that new mj songs name. ITs this is it
Quote of the day:
You gotta give to recieve
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