About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm sure you'll be happy to know I've toned down the need for a boyfriend a little. I still like s.k. and the prince but ive found better things to worry about in my time. I got voted soprano section leader!! Im excited about it, but it means I really need to be on top of my music and practice more. Not to mention Im doing spanish extra credit and cooking this day of the dead bread thing for my class. Isent that nice of me? Something really weird happened to me. This guy whos a friend of s.k.'s head butted me in the hallway. He just goes rawwwwwr and jams his head right under my boob and it was REALLY awkward. I just walked away pretending it was nothing. I should have gotten some Samira the brave in me and been like GET AWAY FROM ME! Anyways now for the real topic....

How many people do you think are living their lives frozen? I bet your confuzed about exactly what I mean. Let say theres a 35 year old lady and she married her husband thinking they would travel the world together but now shes stuck with 3 kids working a lousy job and can barley afford to leave the city. Shes frozen in the begining part of her life. I think this happens to a lot of people and its really sad. The reality is that unfortunetly not everyone can have all their dreams come true. But I think that may be why so many people in america get divorces and are upset with their familys. They have diffrent commen goals or dreams from each other. Or maybe one person has a big dream and the other dosent have one at all. I got the concept of this from revolutionary road, even though I havent seen it yet but I want too and as soon as i do ill fill you in on how it worked.

Im debating wheather or not I should do another blog series called tricky topics. and talk about the big issues that no one can agree on. A.K.A. abortion, war, gay rights, free health care and all of that kind of stuff. I have my view on a lot of these things and I tend to move between the democrate and....*cringe* republican side. Dont tell my dad I said that, he would hate me. But anyways feed back would be good. Is this a terrible idea? Will I poke to many people or should I just speak my mind??? I guess we'll find out on......tommorows blog. (dont you love the suspense) :)

Song of the day:
Party in the U.S.A (still love that song) and Jesus walks -Kanye west (even though I hate him for being terrible to taylor swift that song is amazing and makes me dance and be religous at the same time! :)

quote of the day:
First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (agree, disagree)?

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