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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Friday, October 23, 2009

The perfect man (not the movie with hillary duff but the real deal)

Today I was on the phone with my friend o.m. for about an hour and she was venting about her boyfriend and basically all the stuff hes doing wrong. All the stuff thats making her wonder if hes a good guy or worth her time. Shes been lying to her mom and a lot of people basically every day. Like the other night they went and made out in the back seat of his car and stuff. And Im not saying thats terrible. I knowkissing, big deal but....idk. Something just didnt sound right about them alone in the dark in this guys back seat.

That guy dosent sound like the perfect man. The perfect man would pick you up at 8 and take you to dinner and your favorite place in the city. He would pay for your meal or at least half even though you insit on paying. And btw hes not doing it because he feels obligated hes doing in because he wants too. And after this when it gets late he makes sure your ok, warm and if you didnt wear a jacket cause you wanted to look cute for him he gives you his. When your curfew has arrived he walks you to the door and tells you what a great time he had and kisses you goodnight. Not because he has too but because he WANTS too.

I was watching oprah and there was this terrible guy on there. He was basically a bum and none of the jobs out there were "good enough for him" so he stayed home all day watching tv and drinking bear. He had 4 kids. One being his step daughter whom he treated like crap because she wasent him. One of them was a baby and suffered from like permenant dipear rash because the so called father wouldent change his babys diaper. He would just let her cry all day. Does this senerio sound familar? Do you want it too? I think not.

The perfect guy has a decent job that dosent take up all his time. When he comes home from work around four he brings flowers for his wife. And every friday he brings something special for his kids. Wheather it be crayons, or movie tickets he never forgets to make friday more exciting. After having the dinner he thanks his wife and complements her on the meal saying its his favorite (not because he has too but because? he wants too). he offers to wash the dishes so his wife can relax and watch gossip girl while he helps his kids with their homework. And ends the night romantically with his wife his one and only.

I really hate it when girls say well boys will be boys. Or all guys are like that. My friend kept insisting all guys would rather hang out with their friends and need alone time sometimes. And all guys want more then just kissing and blah blah blah. Im thinking that if hes forcing you into stuff you dont want to do or dosent really care for anything or anyone but himself hes not the one for you. I realize everyone has their flaws but when they have no benefits to come with it are they really worth it.

The two perfect man senerios I was typing about is what I want. If I get that in my life I think ill be happy. Someone polite and respectful. Someone who loves me and wants to take care of me. And dosent mind being taken care of. Someone who dosent need anyone else because their happy with you. That what I think the perfect guy should be like. Now in your teenage years I understand thats hard to find but I would say look for things and personalities that could lead into the perfect man potential. Does he open doors for girls? Does he spend time with friends who get into trouble or those who are going somewhere? Does he have a dream? Is his name prince ali? or sean k? jk. Not nessecerially just those two guys but you get the picture.

Song of the day:
Hero enrique iglessias

quote of the day:
The perfect man is gentle.
Never cruel or mean. He has a beautiful smile.
And keeps his face so clean.
The perfect man likes children.
And will raise them by your side.
He will be a good father.
As well as a good husband to his bride.
The perfect man loves cooking.
Cleaning and vacuuming too.
He'll do anything in his power.
To convey his feelings of love on to you.
The perfect man is sweet.
Writing poetry from your name.
He's a best friend to your mother.
And kisses away your pain.

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