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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Your still the one I run to/The one that I belong too/ Your the only one that I love/The only one I dream of/Your still the one I kiss goodnight"

Hello readers! The song in the tittle today is by Shania Twain who is a really famous country singer that you've all had to have heard of. Even if your not a country fan her songs are everywhere. Especially weddings, and there is one song by her i've always loved but never knew the name too and thanks to american idol I figured out its called Your Still the One. You should all check it out...its pretty good :)So today I want to talk about love but more of tough love in paticular. I know that I'm always talking about the things that are good that come out life. Because a majority of the time when people are in love good things come out of it. Don't you agree? Well I have a really close friend thats in love but what shes getting out of it is nothing good. And she loves him so much that shes blinded by this.

Before I talk about my friend in paticular I'm going to talk about Latoya Jackson. Most people don't know who she is but Latoya is Michael Jacksons big sister. They were really close before she ended up forcfully marrying her ex-husband whom she thought she loved. This man didn't love her though. I mean I cant read his mind but if he loved her he had a funny way of showing it. He was a real bad guy and would make her stay in the closet all day. He made her write a book trash talking her family and go on interviews making her family look bad. And she did it out of love. I myself have never been in a situation like that but I feel like if I was in that situation I would know to leave. But some girls just aren't strong enough and if you know someone whos in a similar situation you've got to help them out.

My friend isn't being hit by this guy but shes not really being well loved by him either. Half of their relationship is make ups and break ups. Its never her fault and i'm not just saying that because shes my friend. Her boyfriend just always gets made for no reason. Hes got some serious anger managment issues and when he gets mad he'll use cuss words to talk to her and he'll quit talking to her and stuff. He'll just make her feel like crap. Its awful. I finally recently told her she should dump him because hes obviously not the right guy so shes wasting her time. The stupid part is she spends have her time apolagizing to him trying to get him to forgive her when she did absolutly nothing wrong. Something sound messed up about that to you? So my advice to you readers is if your man is nuts leave him. If theres more sadness then hapiness then its not worth it. Before you leave though, try to fully understand his views and give him a chance to see you. But if hes giving you the silent treatment like my friends boyfriend then forget him. Make him chase after you when he realizes he lost the best thing that ever happened. Thats my advice at least. And if he dosen't chase you it wasn't meant to be. This isn't the parent trap its life and thats just the way things go.

So Senior week continues on with a couple new shaved heads. Then when I arrived at school all over the sidewalk was seniors 2010 and millions of pictures of penis'. No joke. I wish I was kidding but someone drew like a ton of male parts all over the sidewalk in chalk and the poor janitor had a sponge in her hand trying to clean it all off. See why I think senior week is stupid? Did the world change because they drew a penis on the floor? Nope. Did it save a life? nope. Did they get caught on the camaras? Yup. I wonder whos not graduation....mwah mwah hahaha (evil laughter)

song of the day: Your Still the one - Shania Twain

quote of the day: If music be the food of love; play on - Its from romeo and juliet

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