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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night skys like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now"

Hey readers!
So the lyrics uptop are from an AMAZING song. Its called Airplane by B.o.B. (whos knew album is pretty killer) and Hayley from Paramore. Its really good, because when you mix raps and the piano the result is always good. Seriously ALWAYS! And in airplanes they have that combination. What i've seen from B.o.B so far is hes not really a hard core rapper like eminem and lil wayne. I dont like that kind of rapping. I liked the more relaxed kind of tone where every other word isen't the f word. The true rapping where the rappers speaking from their souls. Not talking about nasty stuff. Maybe i'm just not seeing the true art in that but anyways I like B.o.B especially the song airplanes! :)

I have a world event for you my chicas and chicos. Any of you heard whats going on in Arizona. Well their "solving the illegal immigrant problem". I'll start with the background on Arizona I heard in class . A lot of mexican people cross the border and enter into arizona. Then they all live in communities together and people who are well off hire them for like 3 bucks an hour for them to garden and do those odd jobs that most people don't want to do. The reason they agree to this even though some of them are educated is because they dont have the right paperwork to legally work in this country. Therefore they are stuck with odd jobs. This practice of hiring immigrants is illegal. Anyways back to whats happening now.

In Arizona a law was stopped saying any latino person or hispanic looking person can be stopped and be asked for green card. If they dont have it right to jail and a one way flight back to mexico or whatever south american country their coming from. The two sides of this story are 1. Thats racism against Latino people and it shoulden't be allowed. 2. Well, the way this is going by 2020 there will be more hispanics in America than white people and english will be eliminated and "less jobs for true American people". The side that one in Arizona is side two. But no one really knows if this could begin to get passed in other areas or what.

Along with this I have an immigrant story I heard from my spanish teacher. She said a long time ago she had a student and one day she came into her spanish class with a black eye and some marks on her neck. Apperently as a teacher part of your job is to report anything you might suspect as abuse to the SRS. So she said she kept trying to find reasons to find the student to her dest to get a better look. Finally she just asked her what happened and she made up some story about a window breaking on top of her. My teacher just nodded and didn't want to pry any further. Years later she saw this girl and her mother come to church. She said the girls mother had been struggling as an alcaholic and came to the church for help. It didn't help that her daughter who was in her 20s was pregnant. Her daughter happened to be the student she had in class and she found out that the girl had an absuive boyfriend that she'd been dating since high school that was an immigrant from mexico. He was just a really bad guy and when the girl found out she was pregnant she called the police to deport him.

So the guy was deported and throguh the church the girl got everything she would need to raise her baby. The 2nd day after she had given birth the awful boyfriend had come back! After being deported! He managed to sneak through the border again. He came back begging to be apart of the babys life. The hospital had to go on serious security watch to make sure that the evil boyfriend woulden't get to the baby. Eventually the girl decided to take him back and he kept abusing her. The girl was also having a really hard time with the baby. When you have a newborn its a lot of hard work to keep up with life. So eventually the girl decided to give her baby up for adoption. She made the decision thursday and on sunday the baby belonged to someone else. I dont think I could ever give up my own child. That would be heartbreaking. A little after a year later home girl got pregnant again. (Birth control people, birth control). The beating had gotten worse then ever so eventually she turned the boyfriend in to the deportation officers again then went off to an unknown location with her baby boy.

When you hear stories like that it makes me think that maybe our borders should be more secure.

song of the dayy: AIRPLANES -B.o.B. featurning Hayley Williams

quote of the day: Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age - John Dryden (This is the beginning of many love quotes comming from my new love quote app!)

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