Hey readers!
Your probably wondering what the title if the day has to do with my life. What it means is i'm done chasing boys and I am now chasing cars. A little red slugbug convertible could make me way happier then any of those boys. Same with the cute black Kim kardashian bently. It's adorable and was way more useful to her then Reggie ever was. Ok so maybe this concept is dumb and reality is i'm not getting a car but I do mean what I said about no more chasing after boys. So far this year I had really only chased after one boy. I did like others throught the year but both j.'s never got chased. I talked to them but it wasn't with the intentions of trying to get them to like me. I guess you can say I'm gonna wait to be chased. Even if that takes years.
Ok so the above paragraph was written in the morning right before I went to church. But after going to church I guess you could say I was healed or something. At church the subject of the day was love. When I heard this I was starring to get cranky because the last thing I wanted to hear about love when I was officialy done chasing boys. But I listened anyways and I was glad I did listen.
The first thing the paster did was take out a little action figure of the tinman from the wizard of oz. Everyone was confused at first about what the tin man had to do with love. The paster started talking about how in the wizard of oz the tin man was looking for a heart. He talked about how we all are like the Tinman and we build a suit of armor to protect ourselves from getting hurt. The suits are built from people teasing you, betrayal, dissapointment and many other things. We discussed how although we all think the suits are protecting us they're really hurting us and society. How is it hurting society? I'll get to that. For now back to love. I'm always talking about the saying men marry women like their mothers. You now why that is? Because you learn what love is from your parents. The amount of affection they show you and how your family expresses their love for you and each other. A long time ago a study was given back into the 60s and they came out with the theory that by "Babying your children with hugs and kisses you are harming them in the long run ". Recently they discovered that the theory is a bunch of crap.
Although the great Tina turner said"It's physical /Only logical/You must try to ignore /That it means more than that /Oh whats love got to do, got to do with it /
What's love but a second hand emotion / What's love got to do, got to do with it
Who needs a heart / When a heart can be broken ". She was wrong. The latest study says that babies that aren't given the love and affection they need die and turn out psycologically messed up if they survive. A really great example is that Russian boy I talked about a few weeks back. His parents adopted him from russia which is really popular because a majority of caucassian people that adopt don't pull a Jolie-Pitt and they want Caucasian children. But that's not the discussion of the day. The children in those orphanages get virtually no affection. They get fed and changed but recieve no love and no kisses. Sad huh? Well that's the reason that Russian boy turned demented to the point where he didn't know how to love and that family didn't want him around. It's really sad.
Another study was done with monkeys. The guy running the monkey thing decided to take the baby monkeys away and birth and provide them with two things. A robatic monkey to feed the monkeys and a soft Terry cloth. During the expiriment the scientist observed that the monkey spent all it's time snuggling with the cloth for affection! This monkey had never seen this done but he felt he needed some kind of live. When the monkey grew up it was put with other monkeys and it didn't know what to do. The monkey spent all it's time alone and didn't mate to reproduce. This monkey didn't know how to love.
The monkeys are the same way humans are and a lot if people in our society don't know how to love anymore. There's so much mire hate then love. This is why the divorce rate in America is over 50%. They don't see their parents love and the result is they don't know how to love. So to the broken hearted this ones for you. Although it feels like love won't happen keep hope and it will. Learn to love . For the single mothers and fathers I know it's hard for you but no matter what kiss your children and fill them with love. If it's hard for you then do it so they know how to love. Do this for the future generations and although it's hard don't given up on love. Even when your hearts Bern stomped on, you've been turned into a joke, and it seems impossible love. Because without it the good is gone from the world.
song of the day: Whats love got to do with it - Tina Turner
Quote of the day: Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."
-St. Augustine
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