Hey blog and readers! How y'all doing? Yes for the record I live in kansas and I don't have a southern accent I just think saying y'all every once in awhile keeps life entertaining! My day went ok. It wasn't phenomenal but I had a decent time. Akira came over after school and we rode the bus home together and that was pretty fun. After that I went to piano lesson and that just flew by. I'm actually kind of enjoying the pieces I'm playing! I'm re-falling in love with the piano which is great! So school was intresting. Senior week struck. Last night the first three boys got their heads shaved.
One of them got shaved by his big brother and his brothers friends. His was inappeopriate. They shaved a penis on his head and he had to wear it like that for a whole day. One guy got his whole head shaved except for his bangs and two strands of hair that were supposed to be pigtails. He also had bangs and that looked hilarious. Then the last guy broke the rule and shaved off whatever image they left on his head. Yay for going against senior week! So now the drill is all the guys want to get shaved because it proves that they have senior friends. It's really crazy stuff. But it keeps school intresting I guess.
In spanish class we had a discussion that really sparked in my mind. It started with my spanish teacher discussing how this guy her sister knows lies to his wife and goes gambling once a year. He lies to his wife by buying a ton of stuff from home depo pretending to be fixing a shed or something then he returns all the equitment and uses it for gambling. He spends 500 dollars on the gambling every year. Are you freaking out? A lot of girls in my class did but I didn't. For starters I thought it was bad that his wife wouldn't give him permision to spend the money that he helped earn in a way that makes him happy. I would like to think that when I'm married my husband would let me spend 500 a year on things I like to do. That's only like 41.00 a month. That's not a lot, even for the middle class.
My spanish class also has a new intrest in golf because a guy in there is like the star of our golf team (yes freestate is good at every sport, even the old people ones). So Tiger woods comes up in discussion a lot. My spanish teacher was meantioning how Tiger Woods spends over a million dollars gambling on a game of golf. Then the guy who worships tiger woods says he owns this huge charity facility and blah blah blah. Which is true by the way, I saw it on cnn and he really helps people. But then the teacher said thats not enough he should be donating that money to charity. You know what I thought in my mind? Well charity is always a good thing but I dont see why celebrities get so much grief about charity when regular people donate virtually nothing to them. I understand that its diffrent but percentage wise. The average person donates like maybe 5 dollars every two months to charities they run into. That like 2% of their salary. Where as celebrities end up spending like 10%. And when you think about their jobs are harder then a lot of jobs us "Regular" people have. I think with how hard Tiger Woods works practicing golfing and really using his talent if he wants to blow a million dollars no one should stop him because once again its what he loves. Kim Kardashian probably spends the same amount on shoes. Don't hate people, jealousy dosen't look good on your face.
song of the day: Rock that Body - Black eyed peas
quote of the day: The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
- Walt Disney
NEWFLASH OF THE DAY: This is really big and i'm excited to blog about it to you. So everyones been wondering...Where has Saundra Bullock been? Guess where? Guess where? Guess where?!?! Shes been with her newly adopted son Louis Bardo Bullock! :) She adopted a child originally trying to adopt him with Jesse James but she announced she divorced his cheating butt today. YAY! The baby is sooo cute. The baby looks either black or of Indian decent like not native american but from India. Check it out on people.com :)
About Me

- Forever yours, Mariam
- My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)
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