Hello readers. Today i'm going to talk about a certain type of person. We all know one of these people. Maybe more than one. You know, the girl (yes its normally a girl) whos wearing the designer clothes, with the perfect curled hair, shoes fresh out off the machine and is complaining about how ugly she is, or how she "dosen't even try". People like this tick me off a lot. The person i've noticed does it more than anyone else isen't a friend of mine, but is a girl who is in 3 of my classes. She has the perfect hair every day and she always brings up how she "hates her hair and it looks so bad", so that people can say, "NO! your hair is sooo pretty". And when this comes up she can bring up the fact that she a nice person by saying "I'm growing it out for locks of love", which is an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients. I'm not saying I don't think its the most wondeful thing to do and a good cause to donate too, but that dosen't mean she has to tell everyone she knows. Am I just weird or do you all think its kind of pathetic to fish for complements? just keeping it real.
Did I ever tell you guys I over examine things? Thats just a part of me, and I hate it and love it sometimes. There are some things I don't over examine that I should. Like homework for instance, that is not over examined. I think its because i'm confident with that. But the system I used for homework is : Pen is i'm definate about the answer, pencil: if i'm not for sure, and cursive when I get bored. Thank god its not the 60s and teachers can't express their annoyance with it. Same with my doodling on teh side of the paper. I have my special doodles for ever class. Is that weird (there I go examining). I totally didn't mean to do taht by the way. But back to over examining. A couple days I over examined something again and I swear someone above, or some weird "law of science" made something happen. It wasen't the biggest of deals but i'm still examining it. It was pretty big to me, because of what I felt. Idk......Sometimes I wish you guys could just be in me and feel things the right way. I try to say it in words but this isen't working. Just know through examining I got in a position where I was extatic and sad at the same time.
Do any of you believe in star signs and horescopes?? A wise one once told me that it was all a load of crap. But I always wonder if maybe horescopes are a way for the big guy up there to lead you in the right direction without you noticing it. I used to check my horescope every day, BUT I quit because I just don't have enough time in the day. But before a big day in my life, or before I want to take a risk I read my horescope and see where it will lead me. Yesturday I was reading mine to try out the diffrent things my itouch can do, and my facebook basically spoke to me about JD. It wasen't what I wanted to hear because I am trying to stay away from whats bad for me. But my horescope was like "there will soon be a guy in your life. He just recently broke up with his girlfriend and you need to give him some space but eventually he will come to you. blah blah blah". I wonder if it will be right. Maybe i'll get tired of waiting for a prince charming and go for something else but most likley not. I will try and be a good pure girl and stay single so I can keep out of trouble as I should. But sometimes I can't control the hormones that are like Boys, boys, boys all the time.
This whole blog must be really confusing to all of you. I'm sorry...
song of the day: I'm only me when i'm with you - Taylor Swift
Quote of the day: All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time. - Julie Andrews
Newflash of the day: Stephine Meyer is writing a new book related to twilight! Awesome huh? Unfortunetly its not the continuation of Midnight sun which was fantastic but its a book that describes the events of Eclipse from the perspective of bree that young vampire and its going to be free online for a couple days or something. When I find more information i'll let you know.
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