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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Barbie world and oscars

Long time no blog. Im sorry sweet readers. How are you? Well to finish up the oscar talk, I gave the best dressed award to Penelope Cruz. She had my most favorite dress and it was very pleasing to me. The award for best actress went to Saundra Bullock for her work in the Blind Side. The award for best actor went to Jeff Bridges. The award for best supporting actress went to Monique. The award for best director went to a woman for the first time. It was the award for the Hurt Locker! So its a pretty big feminist moment taht finally a girl can be a director and be aknowledged for her great works. Not to meantion she beat her ex husband who directed Avitar, that must have been a fantastic plus. But it was a really great award season and I salute all of those fabulous people. There was also a kanye moment that made me laugh. When the white lady does it its not a big deal but when its a black guy the whole world talks about it. Racism??

Speaking of Racism I was watching the cafferty files on cnn today. I dont really look forward to that show in the middle of the day or anything but when its on I listen because he discusses some very intresting topics. Today he was discussing how black barbie dolls sell far less than white barbie dolls. This isen't a recent thing its been going on for centureys. So recently walmart took down the price of black barbie dolls. They are now 2 dollors less than the white ones. This got called to the publics attention on a website called funnyjunk.com. And there was a like and dislike button. For the like side there was 544 thumbs up signs and no one put a thumbs down sign. The photo was supposedly taken at a walmart in louisianna. Reserchers say part of the reason that the black dolls sell for less is because black parents are more likley to be dolls of diffrent races for their kids then white parents. When I was a kid I had all diffrent races of dolls. But I remember my friends only had like one black doll if any. Its really sad that in todays society black is valued less then white. Is there something really wrong with being black? I think its the mind set. But I can relate this to real life...

Right now J.D. had a new girlfriend. Did I meantion it? Well anyways he has this little petite girlfriend. Shes not stick skinny but shes thin. Shes blond with perfectly straight hair, and the cutest outfits. And whenever I see them together I always think in my mind this is how its supposed to be. Hes a good guy and he deserves a girl like that not like me. To me I am the 1.99 barbie and shes the 6 dollor barbie. I know I shouldent think like that but its the truth. I try to get it out of my head and this is the first time i've ever told anyone but thats how ive kind of felt latley. And the truth is just like in these dolls Black men are more likley to pick girls of diffrent races then white men. The white men pick the white dolls, and the black men pick them too. So whos gonna love the black barbie?

song of the day: Barbie Girl

Quote of the day: Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart.

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