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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Monday, March 29, 2010

The day after...

Hello Internet world! Hows it going? Well I had a shocker today. Well 2. One of them was an expected shocker. Well my dad left for the ship today....its pretty sad because I don't get to see him for 28 days. I've gotton so used to him being around all the time since he got his surgury its just weird for him to be gone. Its just me, my mama, and my brother now. I hope the days go by fast. At least I have something to look forward too this week. Taylor swift concert on friday :) ! Ok now shocker number two is yesturday I was on the computer and I don't know how it came up but I got this article about little wayne. It was about right before he went to jail he was on some show and sang his song every girl with his daughter and her friends (her friends including T.I.'s soon to be step daughter) on stage. Now when I first heard it I was like, aah so his dad loves woman. Thats nice you know empowering.

So I clicked on the song on my ipod, its the dirty version. Imagine how shocked I Was to find out the song lyrics were "I wish I could Fu** every girl in the world. That is nasty. Can you say STD's. The line that was a little more upsetting then the rest is when he says he "even wants a retards v-card". For those of you on planet mars v card is another word for virginity. Anyways, Weezy had no response to his daughter being on stage and made no apolagy. Thats what his baby mama's for, Toya came out and said that Weezy is a good father and he was only trying to make his little girl happy by letting her and her friends on stage. Being a loving father. I believe that, but for some reason it dosen't seem like hes a loving father when he never once showed up on teh reality show tiny and toya. Maybe he didn't want publisity but when I was talking on the phone the other day she said something memerable (as always), she said that children need a mother and a father and shes absolutly right.

For the record I don't have any kids, i'm just 15 years old, broke and with no plans to get a job so you shoulden't be suprised when I say i'm not looking for a baby right now. I want kids in the future though! And what i'm hoping is that those kids, will have a dad thats around. And i'll be around as well. Theres just diffrent things that you need both parents for you know? If any of you watch the reality show Kendra, she just had baby hank and you kind of see what each parent is for. When their both around not only is there lots of love but Kendra makes sure he gets cute little special ordered Colts outfits and a binkey that says "my mama's hott". Hank the third (father) points out things like how hanks "balls dropped" and kendra has no idea what he means by that on the show. His daddy is there for that kind of thing. Those are just examples but I think its best for a kid especially before their teenage years and when their young to have both parentals around.

My love life is kind of dead right now, i'm examining my feelings for ALL those people all over again, i'll let you know when i figure it out. But the quote seems to really explain it.

Song of the day: Make a wave - Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato. For those of you who are looking for an "adult song" try, Hey, Soul sister - Train (i'm still loving that song and it got to number one on itunes!

quote of the day: You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.

News update of the day: Ricky Martian has come out of the closet...

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