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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


What exactly is change. The definition according to Merriam Websters dictionary is to make diffrent in some paticular. That makes no sense at all does it? Not to me and i'd like to think im good at words and comprehend english very well since i've been using it my whole life. its hard to describe the word change without using change in the sentence though. Heres what i've come up with. Change is when something becomes diffrent from what it normally is or what people are used too. Some people really like change and others aren't that way. I'm a person who isen't a fan of change. I like to fall into a routine and stick to it. Little changes aren't such a big deal to me, like practicing piano before homework or not going to bed at the same time. But the very noticable diffrences leave me empty.

For some reason in my mind the original way is always better. The way i've known all my life. Its hard to adjut and live in a completly diffrent way. I was the kid who cried the whole day on the first day of preschool. To the point where they had to call my dad and say they coulden't handle me. The second day I cried a little bit and the third day there was no tears because I had fallen into the routine. But if you had given me the choice at that age of going back to my day care instead of preschool I woul dahve totally jumped on the train and gone back to day care. Even though I was used to the preschool and had a fairly good time the original was was what I perfered.

Scientifically they say that this whole change thing is all psycological and is diffrent depending on age. Like with the place that people call home. Its always going to be the place that the person stayed between the ages of 11-14. It dosen't matter if they got raped there, or if they won Ms. Congilality thats the place they are going to call home. Which is true in my position. I was born in maryland and lived there for 5 years of my life but I don't call that home. In my mind Lawrence is my home and not the apartment I used to live in. My home is the house i'm typing this from and this happens to be where I lived from 11-14. As for my parents lawrence is not home at all. You can see how this plays out from facebook. I don't know if any of you are friends with people from the same family. I have like maybe 6 cases like that where im friends with diffrent people from one family. In a lot of the familys that have moved around they all have a diffrent place under hometown. Weird or what??

What are your views on change? I'm curious.....like curious george. But unlike the cat this curiosity won't kill me (I hope...)

song of the day: Change - Taylor swift (do you guys listen to these?)

quote of the day: All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.

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