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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Friday, March 12, 2010


I know now that school is over I should be talking about anything but it but this is a good story so listen up. In Epic Traditions class we were reading the Odyssey and Odysseus the main character is lost for like 20 years. And although there are many mythical challenges he faces one of them is staying faithful to his wife. And we have lit circles so we can basically discuss whatever we want into the book so that was one of my groups topics. And then this girl talked about mentally cheating versus physical cheating. She meantion then fact that if the man mentally wishes he would be cheating you isen't it the same thing. Whether he does it or not? Im not sure exactly where I stood on that topic in paticular but I can definatly understand how that would hurt if you were dating someone who wanted more than anything to be with somene else. Anyways I thought it was a cool new term that gives you something to think about. Are you a mental cheater? Would you mind if someone mentally cheated on you?? hmmm

So the personal goals of mine for this year have been increaing in the last 3 months. One of them from the very beginning was ofcourse learning to play guitar. And then I also wanted to loose weight (I haven't gotten anywhere on that. I lost a little and gained it back. Still working on my parents for permission for quick trim). Another goal of mine that I havent talked about was becoming a better cook. I think I am a pretty good cook. There are quite a few recipies I know, and I can definatley cook anything if you give me a recipie. But theres lots of things that I havent tried cooking. So from the middle of that month to this month I cooked a little mexican food. I can make chicken qusadillas and tacos ( as of today). Over spring break im gonna try and work more on that but the issue with cooking is the eating that comes afterwards. Last summer I wanted to take a cake decorating class but that clashes with the weight loss goal. What comes with decorating cake is eating frosting which isen't so great. I guess we need to find balance.

Some big news in the world is move over Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet who? Those two were the richest people in the world for quite some time. They switch off but normally Bill gates is on top. Well now neither is the number one richest person in the world. Also for the first time the richest man in the world is NOT a united states citizen. Wow, thats a pretty big deal. The man who has beat Bill Gates is a mexican buisness man being refered too by the news people as slim. A family memeber of mine thinks the only way he made all that money in mexico is drugs but I mean I guess its possible to have a couple mexican buisnesses that are that successful. Another things thats diffrent about this an is history does not show him as very charitbale where as bill gates and warren buffet have been big on malaria vaccines and diffrent things to support poor countrys around the world. Anyways this shows the world is changing and people in other countrys around the world can be billionares.

American Idol has been on latley and I havent blogged too much about it. I was a little dissapointed last week when my favorite singers got out. This year most of the female singers are very talented, BUT they sing hippish music that im not a fan of. So I've been rooting for the ones who will give me the music I want to hear. Unfortunetley most all of them are out now. But the two that are left are Paige, and Kaity. Ive been voting like crazy or them. I voted on all four phone systems we have in the house. And they stayed it! Im going to continue to do so, but it was sad that lily god out this week. She was actually very talented but I think she was too weird for america if you know what I mean? Well Watch Tuesdays, Wensdays, and Thursday at 7!

I just got back from my first ever driving lesson. It was a lot harder then I thought but Im happy I finally got to start. I did really well except for I had a problem of turning the steering wheel too much and turning too soon. I practiced in the parking lot of grace cathedral. I perfered that because I felt safe. The cross in the window made me feel like God was looking out for me and helping me which was a good thing! Cross your fingers for me. Ill be driving every day of spring break.

song of the day: Do you remember - Jay sean (its on the radio right now)

quote of the day: To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom

p.s. tonight I go and see Alice in Wonderland!

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