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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Whats wrong with the world/people livin like they aint got mamas/I think the world addicted 2 all the drama/Only attracted 2 things that cause trauma

Hey again!
Remember when I told you the world outlook was kind of greatly changing? I saw the saddest story on the news today. It was actually on Kansas City news, sorry kansas city readers but one of your neighbors messed up big time. The police went into the home of a woman and up in her attack was a 6 your old boy. This six year old boy was covered in his own waste, weighed the size of a toddler, and seemed to have been up in that attack for possibly months! Can you believe someone would do that to their own child? The child they concieved and carried for nine months just to drop in an attack. Isen't that the most terrible thing you've ever heard? Its suspected that the son had down syndrom and that may be part of the reason he coulden't speak up and wasen't discovered sooner. Its so sad, keep that little boy in your prayers.

Then I saw this awful story about this other monster who murdered her two children, got away with it, only to later turn herself into the police. It really wasen't the normal situation because she really had no reason for doing this, she "just did!". What kind of people do we live with. This woman could be your neighbor, your friend and you woulden't even suspect in the current world we live in that the women was crazy because most people are these days!

What is it that makes it ok for people to do things like that? It gives me shivers down my spine. What can make a person do such horrible things? I know they say its normally people who were "abused" as children, or got made fun of. But that is so minor compared to taking away someones life. If any of you find yourselves thinking thoughts like that, think of this. Every life is important. You never know what child is gonna grow up to cure cancer, or become president. Who are you to stand in their way? No one stood in yours, what you become is up to you. So if you feel like you really can't take care of your kids I assure you someone out there will. We live in America! Adoption and foster home systems are pretty decent. If you hear anyone with those kind of plans my advice to you is this: 9-1-1 (use those texting powers and type fast!)

song of the day: Where is the love - Black eyed peas (I use this alot because it really applys to this kind of blog about whats happening to the world)

quote of the day: If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love. - One of my favorite celebrities of all time: Princess Diana

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