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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Flash forward & we're taking on the world together/& theres a drawer of my things at your place/You learn my secrets to figure out why I'm gaurded"

Hello Hello, I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello!

So I don't want to sound too repetitive but i'm just dissapointed in what i've been seeing latley. I feel like I want to talk about it to someone but no one else sees it. No one else is noticing whats happening to life as we knew it. School for instance, today we had an assembly. It involved some of the "popular/well liked people" getting on stage and doing the stinky leg, and the dougie. All that different stuff trying to promote the dances. No one goes to the dances not because they all don't like dancing but because they "have better things to do with a friday night". Where do you find them all on friday nights? Facebook. All a million and one of them are on there. So their "better things to do" is be on facebook becasue they don't want to go based on what people will think of them.

What people think of other people has become such a big deal in our generation. It feels like barley anybody is themselves anymore. We're all like a cloned version with the same electronics, clothes, attitudes, and word choices. Why? I don't know. Maybe thats how all teenagers were throughout generations but I feel like Freestate has hit an extreme. Uniqness is so awfully frowned upon. Today this girl at our table at lunch wore this button down jeans shirt, this other girl gets on her phone and shoes a picture of justin timberlake wearing a similar shirt like 2001. Meaning that the girls shirt is old, and manly. The girl dosen't say anything but later she tells me that it kind of hurt. That other girl didn't even care how her fellow human being would feel. Things like that are always going down at freestate.

Theres this girl whos really just a bit awkard, and unique. People are always blabbing on and on about her. It makes me wonder, what makes them think their any better then her. And how do they know that they won't be her at some point in their lives. But the negative thinking just rubs off on you subconciously. Now whenever i'm around the girl I think of all the other girls laughing at her during lunch and stuff and wondering if I'm with her for sympathy or weather or not what their saying is true. I Think people should give other people a chance to judge people for themselves. Its not fair to call the water blue before someone else has the chance to see it as aqua. Does that make any sense? I know that all people think bad things about other people but its best that some thoughts are kept to ones self.

song of the day: Mine - Taylor Swift (come on, just go listen to it already. Its too awesome!)

quote of the day: Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't.

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