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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Father father father help us send some guidence from above, cause these people got me questioning...where is the love?"

Hello Hello,
Today I was outraged, and dissapointed on so many different levels. Four words: The Casey Anthony trial. I've been following this trial from afar, not since 2008 when it started, but recently when the case started being telivised. I listened to the CNN information and all kinds of things and I personally came to the conclusion that Casey anthony murdered her poor 2 and a 1/2 year old child. This is why:

1. She didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. 31. What kind of mother doesn't notice her child is gone for 31 days. If not suspicious or murder then definatley child neglect. It was her mother that reported the child missing after not seeing her for a month.

2. 2 days after her daughter went missing saying "Bella Vita" which means beautiful life. For the 31 days that she was gone Casey Anthony partied it up like a lion let loose from her cage. All the while, her daughter was dead. Did she care? No!

3. Her own father, said her daughter was guilty of murder. She made up some crap about how he abused her as a child. You waited 25 years to bring this up? Now?

4. Casey claims that her daughter "fell in the pool"? Well tell me Casey, how did she end up in the woods with duck tape over her mouth? Does that just happen.

Those are just a few of the reasons why I think its obvious she did it. And it makes me sad that that little girl didn't get any justice. It made me sad that poor Caylee Anthony can't even defend herself now and got her life ripped away from her. She'll never drive, or get married, or go to prom. All because her mother was a cold blooded monster. What scares me is that this women is out there, free to roam, and kill other people. If someone can kill her own child then she has no problem doing it to someone else. God forbid shes reading this right now because then i'm a gonner.

I'm dissapointe in our justice system because Michael Vick was sent to prison for killing a dog (don't get e wrong, thats a bad thing), but she was free for killing a huamn being. It doesn't seem right to me. If Casey did do it, then her justice is waiting for her in hell. Karma will get her. Not to meantion she has to live with the guilt and I coulden't even imagine how terrible that would be. Knowing you ruined your childs life. It's so sad.

song of the day: Where is the Love by the black eyed peas

quote of the day: Where there's a will, there's a way

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