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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spanish class discussionsn (what is written below is not my personal opinion, I dont mean to offend anyone"

In spanish we discussed a lot of things, and how did it start? Well it all began when this one boy in spanish said that he had an ax in his truck. Then the spanish teacher said she didnt think thats alright. And if he wanted to make sure he should try and take that ax to the airport. Then we began talking about airport security. Then this one guy name billy said, "I think that we should let any of those israeli people on plains". Then they were choruses of, " Amen brother, thats right!". And then C.B. goes I dont think anyone with a name that you have to make that throat thing should be allowed on either. Dont get me wrong this wasn't everyones opinion, but some people were agreeing. So anyways, then we got into talking about extremists; then our teacher told us about hte 72 virgins. Have you heard of that? So apperently these extremists believe that when they die by killing a plane full of innocent americans that they will go to heaven, and in heaven there will be 72 virgins awaiting for the "heros" to sleep with. Weird, or what. (I dont mean to offend anyone)

Then from the attacking people we got into the topic about how americans also kill. Right here in kansas a man walked into a church and killed a doctor. Now this wasn't just your average doctor, this was an abortion doctor. You might know him, they called him Dr. Tiller the baby killer. I'm not really sure what my veiws on abortion are. I mean I would never, ever have one. But anyways this doctor was for long term abortions. So what he would do was deliver the babys and then smash their heads with hammers. Its awful. Or they would deliver babys and just leave them to starve and die. Its terrible. So this man decided he would kill him, and be the hero. Was he a hero though? Thats what I kept thinking in my mind. Killing someone is never good, but how many lives of innocent babies did this guy save? That makes it a good thing right.

On the subject of abortions our teacher told us about her struggle to have her daughter. She said she had 3 miscarriges before she eventually produced Olivia. And she was talking about what a precious gift it was that she was able to get pregnant with her and everything. And how she went to her two week appointment and her daughter already had a brain and a heart beat and everything. Then she was telling us about all the people who would love to adopt a child, especially an infant. Then this one guy in our class told us about his little brother. this leads to a diffrent story....

He said that his dad and step mom really wanted a baby. So bad! They then decided to adopt, but this baby had to be a blond, blue eyed caucasian. Whats up with that? Would it be the end of the world if they got a hispanic or asain baby? That stuck as odd to me. I mean I understand that they want him to feel like part of the family and everything, but idk. somehting sounded weird about that to me.

Now this same guy who told that story, I had a crush on a little while ago. Today when he walked in class and asked if he could cheat of my homework. At first I Was like no, but then he said please and I was like thats ok. So he copied and while he was copying he said, " I love you mariam" and it was so weird. I was kind of silent for awhile and then he goes "we should be like brother and sister". And I was like yup, we should. It was a weird expirence but he dosen't like me like that. He just likes the fact I let him cheat off me.

After first hour I got some more guy news. Did I ever meantion how J.D. comes into my chemistry class every morning and says hi to my chemistry teacher. I thought it was because he was a sweet guy who appriciates those who educte him...well I was wrong. he happens to be in Olivia W. 's first hour class and after he said hello and stuf to her this morning olivia heres him say "That FINE ass Ms. Rose", and some other things about how "hot" she was EW! The guy I like has a thing for my chemistry teavher. Weird or not.

I think that was just a sign that Prince is better then him. He would never do something weird like have a crush on my chem teacher!!

song of the day: PYT Michael Jackson

Quote of the day: "Doctor Tiller the baby killer"

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