About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

J.D. who? Plan what? Prince.... Prince...Prince...... Does that say enough? I could just leave it at that and not mind, but I guess I should start with the beginging of the day and work my way to the end. I woke up fairley early for a saturday but I always feel dumb getting up early. So I stayed in bed and daydreamed for like an hour; then I started reading Push which is the book Precious was based off of. It wasen't great as I thought it would be , because is written in mispelled ghetto language. I could understand it all but it just made the book less phenomenal. I think this may be one situation where I liked the movie more than the book. The movie goes into painful detail about things and as much as I normally like that Its not that great when shes descibing certain things. I wouldn't really sugest it. But anyways I finished the whole book.

The afterwards I went into my room and I was feeling musical, so I recorded songs. All of the songs I have ever written are now on my ipod. I also felt like my voice was better today. Sometimes I feel like I have a really good voice, and other times I feel like I suck. But today was a pretty upbeat voice day. And I also attempted to record myself playing the piano and singing. That went pretty well but I had to clip the mike unto my shirt. Part of the plan was I would ask prince about the programs and stuff he useds to find beats for his songs and record them that way but it never happened...Anyways so I sang and played the piano a lot and before I knew it it was 3.

So I showered and started beautifing. I wanted to look out of this world fantastic. I didnt look that good but I looked a smigin better than I normally do. I did a little eye make up and wore by black and grey striped sweater dress with the matching scarf. I then wore my miley cyrus leggings and some flats. My hair was decently straight and looked pretty good. I also smelled amazing using my good purfume just in case someone important were to get close to me ;) Anyways so I was ready to go and we headed in the car with our awesome cd that I made for my father for his birthday. It had a ton of old songs on it and we had fun listening to it and singing along. Where were you going you ask? We were going to Natasha's 7th birthday party. Shes a family friend of ours. It was in olathe. So we got ready and left and everything and we got there a late but for african people we were early. So we drove around the block and then stopped our second time around when we saw uncle Adam and his kids get out of their van.

We then got out and greeted everyone. He has crazy kids. But their very cute and sweet. So I played with them for ahwile and the other kids. Then I sat down like a mature adult when Sona got there. She was introducing me to this other girl that I was supposed to be instantly friends with. It didn't really work, she was in 7th grade. Nice but we really had nothing to converse about. So the clock is ticking then more and more people show up. We eat and then the funniest thing happens. So Sona comes up to me and is like "is chris brown and them coming?" It just made me laugh, yes Samira your part of "chris brown and them" :) It was funny but eventually chris brown (Prince, you know whatever you want to call the handsome guy) and "them" did show up. I was excited to see my friend Samira and to have someone not little to talk too. So we hung out and I knew that she really knows me well , when I was totally day dreaming and she noticed!!! I've been guy dreaming for like 4 days now and no one even noticed but she did! What a good friend.

Anyways time fasts forward and I realize I havent talked to Prince yet. I was going too today. I wasn't going to be over the top flirty but the plan was we were going to communicate and I would take advantage of the time we had. For the record we have talked before. This isn't a celebrity love type of things. Somedays we can talk for quite sometime, and other days we dont even communicate. Its a weird non-relationship between a quiet girl and a guy whos WAY out of her league. Anyways I just got an intuition that I should go downstairs and talk to him! And I didnt want to go by myself but I could not convince my friend to go down with me. She thought it would be weird! but anyways I just felt a pull from above saying go talk to A. maybe even hug A. do something! But I didnt I just sat. I was having fun though. The clock ticked some more. tick tick tick. Then Samira/Prince's brother told me my dad was calling me so I went downstairs and their my dad along with prince and mini prince (younger brother, I figure if I keep some names confidential I should keep them all that way). My dad told me to get ready and to go pack food. So I did.

Then there was this point where I was ready to go and I was on the stairs but he was communicating to someone else so I decided to make small talk with "Adera (I swear she cant spell her own name)" untill he was done. Well he didn't really finish. So I went out the door and I still felt like I should say something, but I didnt (and on the contorary neither did he!! I guess i did not look cute enough today). But anyways I sadly walked to the car and then I dont know what got into me. I got angry then just plain sad about yet another missed oppurtunity. What an epic failure. I suck! Dont be like me readers, don't be like me.

p.s. if for some weird reason prince is reading this, then yes most likley you know who you are and I feel stupid for posting this online. But anyways Im happy your reading and what I was going to say was....Hey, how are you? And a lot of other small talk until we got in deep conversations and you realized that im not just another boring african girl but i'm pretty awesome! some day you'll get to realize this but I guess yesturday wasn't the right time

p.s. if your not prince then you didnt really have to read the above paragraph

song of the day: I wanna know - Joe

quote of the day: we are never so defensless against suffering as when we love.

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