Hello people! I hope you had a fantastic day today. I bet some of you did, you know thsoe of you who have cheap men who broke up with you so they dont have to treat you for valentines day got your men back. I heard a few valentines day stories today, you want to hear the most intresting one? We're sitting in choir and then Ms. Morton goes, guess what I got my boyfriend for valentines day? The choir says "what"? Then Mrs. Morton said a pan. That way he can make me eggs and bacon whenever I ask. I'm in control ladies! A lot of people cheered but i've never been that kind of girl. You know the make your man do stuff for you and treat him un kindly kind. It might be because I dont date but i'm pretty sure if I did I would want the treating to be mutual and I would buy him anything BUT a pan. Maybe that will be diffrent when i'm a 30 year old woman.
So I recieved some other news during choir that really stuck to me. A boy who I went to elementary school with passed away today. His name was Austin Clover. I dont have many memories of us talking, I knew him back in the boys have cooties days. But I do remember that he was the first kid to even fall asleep during a class in elementary, and we all gigled him awake 2 seconds later. I also knew that he was my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Clovers nephew. Austin commited suicide. All day I just coulden't help thinking what happened? He seemed to be a happy child. What could have made him take a gun and shoot himself? Did he have trouble at school? Did kids bully him? But how could it be bad enough to take his life. Did his parents abuse him? Im wondering what made him decide that life was no longer worth living. I hope god makes an acception for this poor 15 year old boy and lets him into heaven. And I also hope his family is ok. His poor mother and father. Apperently they were out of town when he took their saftey gun and did it. I would regret even leaving.
I went to his facebook page and I was wondering what kind of person he was. I read through some of the kind memories and mesages people left on his wall. I couldn't help but think, where were all those people when he put a gun to his head?? where were they??
Tonight is full of great tv shows you should all watch: At 7: One tree hill, and The secret life of the american teenager. 8: celine Dion on larry king live 9: New hour long episode of keeping up with the kardashians
song of the day: Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen (its a beautiul song)
Quote of the day: Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.
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