About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I just came back from seeing the movie Dear John. I dont want to give it away for those of you who haven't seen it yet but it was good and bad. I would have written the whole things completley diffrently. Dont get me wrong it had its phenomenal parts but it didnt go the way that I wanted it too. But you should all go judge for yourself and check out Dear John. In theaters near you.

While watching Dear John there was a boy I just could not get out of my head. What are you guys guessing, I mean i've talked about many boys on here. Well let me describe him to help you out with the guessing process. Hes really cute, and very talented. And is just screaming mariam's type? Did you guess yet. Anyways this boy was in my head and it got to me on how much I wanted the romance from Dear John with him. I have a feeling he dosen't feel the same way though which is terrible. I wont know untill I ask or something but...I want someone to love me that way. To care for me, and to be my whole life. Not nessecairily now, but i'd like to think that some day I will get a fairytale romance. I'll be crazy in love and nothing will matter except me and him. When do I get this?? and how??? ....

I just want to be loved......

song of the day: Hero - Enrique Iglasias (who was in the we are the world remake by the way)

quote of the day: No matter where you are in the whole world the full moon is never bigger then your thumb - Dear John

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