Today was the most. amazing. day. ever! I haven't had a day like this in a long time, it was much needed. You may have noticed I had a total mood change from yesturday. That heavy heart turned into a very very very happy heart. It started this morning when I got to zero hour orchestra and we didnt have to do anything. it was one big study hall!!! That went by pretty fast just hanging out with my friends. Then after that I went to spanish where we just talked and played games. was seminar time! I was pretty happy because I didn't have to stay in seminar and could go hang out in ms. hunts room and just practice and watch. Help out also. When I got there there was a few of the diversity club people and Plan( very very very very very very very very hot guy) was practicing his m.j. tribute. It may have been kind of rough yesturday but today it was great. Then the rap was being practiced then guess what present for mariam dropped off by god stopped by? Jacob. :)
I really dont understand how just seeing a guy can make me heart turn upside down but it can. He just kind of hung around and he brought his friend. Here comes the possibly good or bad news. So For your information I think I looked hella cute today. I was wearing a new dress of mine that was black and than had this black, pink, silver, and white design on the bottom with leggings and my little coat. I felt gorgeous. That also helped lift my mood. But anyways bake to jacob. So we were practicing the song and I was singing with the other girls. At first he was at the perfect angle where he could see my and then he moved behind me with his friend onto the couch. Then suddenly this guy who was next sitting in the chair next to me, J.D., and this other dude started talking, and it seemed like they were talking about me. At first I thought I was day dreaming but Akira saw and noticed too. Then I felt someone walk behind me, and then he kind of stuck his head out like he was trying to see what I look like. I couldn't tell but Akira let me knwo that it was J.d's friend. And if Im right he was telling them that I liked him. Which means he acknoledges it. During the group picture guess who stood by me, J.D.
Math rolls by, then it is time for the big MLK assembly. I was basically shaking at that point, my heart was in a not. But I was excited all the same. I sat next to akira and sarah who both then ran to the bathroom for a final mirror check. Then guess who comes in? J.D. He walks in the rooma and is looking at me whos smiling, then he comes and sits next to me. But then before he sits his butt down he turns around (sees blond skank) and sits a seat down for me. :( But its cool because he moved from there anyways and went to sit with the boys. The assembly started and we all gave our little speeches. We had a speaker come and talk to us about MLK's message and everything. J. read a poem which was nicley and cutley read. Then the michael jackson tribute came on. It was roking in there the very very very very cute guy, plan, did fantastic. Then the rap happened. This wasn't just your average rap, mike the guy who was singing it has a record label and a cd called first paycheak. It was good.
The plan was that us diversity club girls would go up from during his performance and be like oh mike, and try to get him to touch us but I was a little shakey about the idea. This wouldn't be weird because the assembly was filled with people shouting out and stuff. It was just a fun get together. Some of the girls did go up and it started this huge ordeal where a lot of people went up and surrounded him. It was a sucsess. A few more speeches and such later, it was towards the end of our assembly and time for our song. Everyone was pumped from the rap so we got a good response. it went well. Really really well. I was proud to be a part of it. And this is all what created my fantastic, amazing, phenomenal, perfect day.
Song of the day: Lean on me - Club nuvo (we be jamin, we be jamin :) )
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