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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hello! How are you? I hope all my readers are doing good. So today was definatley an intresting day. I knew it was going to be intresting from the minute I walked into spanish today. We were going to watch a movie, when I heard the news I was a little devestated at what a bad sign this was. The movies are SO boring, their usually about ancient civilizations and I can barley keep my eyes open. But instead she popped in a very old episode of 20/20. For those of you who aren't into t.v. or are from planet weird 20/20 is a show similar to 60 minutes where they interview people. Its normally not celebritys and dosn't have to wild of stories. Its more of humanitarian peices. Well this was about a vietnamese family. There were a lot of kids I coulden't keep up with the number, but during the vietnam war they were all told to evacuate Vietnam.There family in paticular that they were talking about didn't have a car, just a motorcycle.

So the father took his 3 children and put them on a motercycle. Two girls: one ten and two and then a 7 year old boy. He left them at a corner and then went off to pick up the rest of his family. Those kids waited, and waited but their father never came back. Eventaully people pushed them onto boats and forced them to evacuate. Well they did, and one to got to where they were going they got taken to an orphanage. While they were there, The two year old got sick. They didnt have any good healthcare so baby jenny was told she ahd to be flown in too america. So all three kids got on a plane and came to america. They got adopted, and forgot their langauge completley. 17 years later the son and daughter had graduated from high school and were both married. Jenny was 20 and in collage.

Anyways making a long story short the oldest sister decided she wanted to make a serch for her family. Someone called the number on her phone and said that he knew her parents and family and knew where she could find him. So she planned a trip to go home with her husbad, and her newborn baby along with her brother. Jenny didn't want to go because she didn't have any kind of connection to her families. As they reached the home there was a ton of crying. And just in these tears you can see the diffrence between the american culture and vietnamese culture. That veitnamese faimily was wailing, and crying with a ton of noise. There americans had tears falling from their eyes and they were trying to hid it. The issue was that their family didn't speak english so there was a huge langague barrier. The whole video was really intresting.

After spanish i had a school assembly. It waw the winter sports/activities one. The band played, the cheerleaders cheered, and the step team stepped. We also honored all the members of our school sports team. That includes bowling, basketball, swim team, and wrestling. It ws pretty fun. It also happened to be "little kid day" at school which is just a day where people could dress up like little kids if they wanted too. There was a lot of people in onesies (yes, I guess they make those in fully grown mans sizes). And one of my friends olive wore a matching outfit with her stuffed animal. (Her boyfriend was embarassed to be seen with her all day).
Today was also a diversity club day. I think i've talked a lot of times about how much I love diversity club. I really do, and now that we've done bake sales and stuff we have enough money to start going places and such. So this saturday we can all go see precious as a group. And next saturday we are going to all go eat at this local indian restraunt called Indian Palace. Then afterwards we're all going to go and watch Crash at someones home. It will be a fun little trip paid for by the club. I'm excited for both events.

Diversity club started a discussion that really got me thinking. What I didn't tell you happened at the assembly was the announcment for "cooties for cuties". There were signs all over the school for this for the past two weeks. But none of the signs talked about what it actually was. what it is, is this thing were all the girls recieve pink beads when the arrive to school (cute huh?). Then the girls goal is to not talk to the men all day long. Not a single word. And if the guy gets you to talk to them then you give him your beads. The man with the most beads at the end of the day is labled "Freestates Stud".

When I first heard this I though, well this should be intresting. I dont hang out with too many guys so I didn't think too many people would ask me for them. And I thought those guys who do want to be the stud of the days will probably just go around being like give me your beads But when I got to diversity club Mr. Nussbom brought it up and some of those diversity club girls went off. They were talking about how it was degrading for woman, like they cant talk untill a guy talks to them and they have to give something up at a guys command. I hadn't even though of that!

And they also said some things about how those bead were basically simbalizing virginity and a girl giving them up. The man who screws the most girls is a "stud". And then they were also talking about the shy guys who remain unnoticed who will be sad about not having beads. And what if the guys with a lot of beads tease them. What if things go the wrong way and guys get touchy. We had a long discusion and I figured out that I hadn't though deep enough at all about it. So wish me luck, I hope it dosen't go terribly.

Song of the day: Today was a fairytale

Quote of the day: We would love to have you go to heaven with us - Teen mom

News of the day: Bill Clinton was hospitalised because he was getting chest pains and alexander Mcqueen was found dead in his home. He is a famous designer who made amazing shoes and clothes. It is suspected that he committed suicide.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm totally updating myself on your blog and I've read most everything. I like this blog. You already know that. :) It's awesome.
