About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Barriers are nearly impossible to break. This realization came to me during lunch, which i've been enjoying because I have it with some of my closest friends. Akira, Taz, Olivia, and Olive. Its a nice chance for us to talk and it was fun filling out our matchmaker sheets together as well.But anyways, Taz brought up the fact that last year we had planned on sitting with the special needs kids during one lunch period and we both pretended to forget so we didnt have too. We joined Freddies friends and the whole point of that is to break down barriers between special needs kids and average kids. But then I realized, you cant. no matter how hard you try those people will never be the same and as long as you can see and here you know that. Same with barriers between blacks and whites and asains and hispanics. The treatment of each other could get better but they can never be broken because each group will always be a certain thing.

Valentines day is around the cornor and I am....dateless. I've spent every valentines day of my life without a valentine. I must tell you the truth though. I have my secret votes of what would happen? What would the perfect valentines day be. Roses or just one red rose with a little teddy bear attached. Im not a chocalate person so thats not a good idea with me. Then a couple days before it would be great to get an email with an mp3 attached asking, will you be my valentine? Or in person. Its kind of out there but whats the point of life if not to dream big.

I'm going to go watch meet the parents now. bye

Song of the day: Mr. Lonley - Akon (I think that was the first song I heard by him, I think everyone can kind of relate to it now with the V- day craziness.
Quote of the day: Thats a nice Vahse you have over there. Is that another one of your secret camaras. booga booga BOO! No greg, thats an earn that holds the remains of Jacks mother. - Meet the parents
Breakout news of the day: Has anyone heard of the song puff the magic dragan or the cartoon called that? Well apperently when the song was originally written it was reffering to puff (as in smoke) the magic dragan (weed). to think little kids sing that song. Why must everything have a secret meaning

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