About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

story time and obama and music news and more

I just finished talking to my grandma at the hospital. She had a knee replacement surgery. Imagine getting your whole knee getting taken out. Brave huh? I dont know why but a term in our family when refering to the elders is that their tough cookies. Like nothing can break them in away. She sounds much better. I told her about prince charming.....Not today but a long time ago and she seems to really like talking about the topic. Its pretty funny because she knows all the people I talk about so much she can tell you about their familys, where they live and all this information. yes she knows about the only two people I really told about this blog (Samira, akira).We get that deep into things. Shes great.

Obama finally did something that pushed my buttons. He wants shorter summer vacation and more school. America has 25%-30% shorter school time then former countrys and he wants us to have equal oppurtunitys in the world with the other nations which sounds nice but means more school. The big issue is china right now. They have so many educated people who study a ton and get spots in american colleges and no one can stop it because they provide us with cheap stuff made with cheap labor which we choose to ignore. american and China have a love hate relationship. They both need each other. I love politics. A lot. I love news. Not just celebrity news but like world news. Its something I Got from my family. My favorite politic time is elections though. The Debates, getting to know the dirty secrets of the people competting to be the leader of the free world. Its great but it only happens every four years. I remember 3 elections.

The first one I was in first grade and my daddy took me for kids voting because I was the only one at my house who could do any kind of American voting at the time. He told me that i'm voting for Al gore. He was preaching this to me all week so I dont forget and that was the first itme I Was told that I am democrat. Still am btw. The second election I was in fourth/fifth grade im not so sure. It was between bush and kerry and I started getting how it works. I learned abotu the electoral college and stuff. But the most fun election by far has been the one where obama wins because I payed waay closer attention to the news stuff and everyone in my home could finally vote for the first time. which made it more fun

Some more news stuff is one of the kerdashian girls (chloe) I think got married today to a guy whos on the lakers. Theres this woman I keep seeing on the news who claims she was molested by her father many times as a child. Gross. I feel horrible for her. The father is such a sicko. Theres no excuse for child molesting. And there hasent really been much big news. Some new music is out! Janet Jackson has a new song dedicated to her brother as I'm sure more of her songs will be and its called make me. And Alicia keys has two new hits out. Dosent even matter and Empire state something with Jay Z which I kind of like. Im not usually too big of a fan of JZ because his songs are too hardcore rap for me. I like rap but theres just something about Jz.

So should I keep having a song and quote for every entery?Today I decided to only put it on only one entry I made today.

Touch up on signs? My horescope was completley irrelevent today because I stayed home after fall fun fest. Delivered some cookies and took a nap. I also did homework and didnt really do anything to live for the moment. That needs to change. I just havent figured out how yet.


  1. Glad you're having fun in life. *sigh* I just love your blog. About the Trevin ( i love diversity too) thing, you do talk cute and you use funny expressions that make me wonder where the heck you got them from. But really, I think it's from reading so many "it girl" books. =] lols.

    Anyway I gots homework. Just to tell you, I've been reading. Got no time to type though.

  2. Yeah I have been. Thank you! Really? Thank you. Maybe it is from it girl. Trevin made me feel very good about myself, too bad hes all the way in wichita :(.

    Do homework, and rembember relax :)

  3. p.s. though you may have left facebook. Facebook is still on you. I saw a picture of you in one of the outfits you showed me you got in chicago! It was a very cute outfit!
