About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Monday, September 21, 2009

So my brother taught me a new word today. Gerney. Have you ever heard of it? According to him a gerney is the thing they cary you on to get in the hospital. Last time I checked it was a strecher but apperently the "cool talk" is gerney. I hope my readers had a good day today. I sort of did. nothing too great happened. Except for some intresting conversation at lunch and a day that went by fast at school which I loved. And gossip girls tonight which Im sure ill enjoy. And my mom bought cake which is always good. If your down go out and buy some cake. Or cookies. Or something sugar and super fattning. Nevermind, bad advice. Go eat a carrot or something.....

In diversity club we had a good discussion thingy last wensday and I dont recall blogging about it. She showed us pictures. And at first they were all white men. Then she showed us pictures of all black men. Then she showed us pictures of all latina men. And she asked what they had in common. No one knew. They were all bad people. Criminals who've mudered, stole and dont really bad things. And the whole point of this was that everyone makes mistakes and NO one can judge you because of the color of your skin. Because all skin colors make mistakes and do good things. so there, dont hate just appriciate (cheesy stuff, I know).

Charisma is something I really like. Have you ever met anyone that has that. Their just easy to be around and have a good aura to them. I think its pretty cool being charismatic. Its been awhile since we've talked boys. And I personally love that conversation topic in real life because their so....perfect. And fun to talk about but I havent really had any milestones in the subject latley. I havent met any boys at school who I want to date or anything. There are some pretty attractive people there but I dont know the ones that arent in my class and high school is such a blur. Its really hard to try and get to know people. So go out and find some boys for me.

I had a story but im not gonna share it till later. It involves "friends" and orchestra last year. ooh your just dieing to know now right?

Song of the day:
Dosent mean anything - Alicia keys. I love her music. She was my favorite artist for the longest time. If I aint got you is the best. I know every word. I also love no one and diary and just everything that alicia has ever done. So youtube this song and listen to it. Not on cd or itunes yet.

quote of the day:
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - ghandi

tv update tommorow!

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