About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Laugh while you can its cheap medicine". Did you know laughing was good for your heart. Its scientifically proven plus I one hundred percent believe it. Have you ever really cried it out? I dont mean a couple tears you know from falling off your bike but cried from sadness, dissapointment, death whatever it is. And have you noticed when you think of something funny and smile and laugh a little you may look crazy and super mood swingy but it makes you feel good. At least for me. I decided to start the blog with that so laugh a lot.

I went to school today and it went alright. High school is.....kind of blank. I dont really have any feelings about it. Its just...school. I like it and the people are nice and I feel pretty comfortable there. The teachers are ok better than a lot of others ive had. Its just not really making a big impact on me and the way my lifes going like the other levels of education that I passed through. Im learning but it seems more like a routine that dosent change and thats what I wanted at first but it gets a little....dry.

I havent listened to Obamas speech yet so when I do ill probably talk about it. Barack all the way. Forget the lousy old fashioned republicans and their stupid comercils. They drive me crazy. I have piano tonight and I really dont want to go. I hate group lessons. I wish I could just play at home for fun. I enjoy piano every once in awhile but the teachers so old and makes everything so boring. And the "Group" or a couple other kids arent that great. I dont know I just....dont enjoy it. The other kids are nice but were not really friends of have a connection other then piano.

Swine flu is hitting the nation like the black plauge (please god dont let it be that bad). There are some simple ways to prevent it though. Wash your hands. Thats a really big one. I've seen some gross habbits with coughing around school. I hate it when people just cough into thin air I can practically see their germs everywhere. If your gonna go out to eat stick to the big chain restraunts because those are more cleanlier and have more monitering. Shopping, I know its fun but dont go around touching a lot of stuff then touching your face or sucking your thumb or whatever it is you people do when your not reading my blog :) Be clean, and dont get swine flu and die

Love - Mariam

Quote of the day:
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge (I really like this, you want a 4.0 go out and hug someone and call that special someone ;) even though its beyond intimidating....I understand if you'll stick to your low grade point average out of fear but Im not encouraging it. Dont be a big baby like ms. blogger her)

Song of the day:
Dont trust me 30H!3
"shush girl, shush your lips, do the helen keller and talk with you hips"

Celeb news:
Janets gonna open up the MVA im super exciting about that. Nicole Richie had a baby boy. And thats about it.

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