About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You got designer shades just to hide your face/you wear them around like your cooler than me/and you never say hey or remember my name"- Mike Posner

Hey Hey Hey it's me, Mariam! Hows it going? Before I get back to the vacation stories, I was going to tell you about the song in the title. Its called Cooler than me by a new artist Mike Posner. Hes number 3 on itunes and his song is really good. I also want to share a secret with you. Last night I wrote a certain celebrity that I adore a letter. now I can't decide weather to send it or not.
It wasen't creapy it just said I respect your show, and I think your cute give me a call or send me a tweet sometime. IDK im deciding weather or not to send it.

Ok so back to the vacation stories. On the second to last day of my trip I went to Washington D.C. It was our whole gang plus Neema. She was our tour guide. I was glad she went, because that was the first time we actually had a real conversation. But i'll talk more about that lator. At D.c. the first step was the capital building. Heres a pic.

Then we walked to the washington monument (which isen't as close as you'd think)

Then we went to the world war II Memorial which is beautiful. Its filled with waterfalls and all kinds of things. Its fairly new.

Then started the long walk towards the water from forrest Gump where he yells JENNY!!! And she runs in the water. Anyone who hasen't seen forrest gump is missing half their life. OMG that movies is hilarious. Fabulous acting, acadamy award winning. Heres a picture

Then we saw Abe Lincoln. Hes so big! I always imagined as a little kid I could crawl up and sit on his lap but it would be more like a height. hes WAY far up.

then we ended with Obama's house!! YAY!! The white house is pretty cool. When I was little it wasen't nearly as gaurded. Now its surrounded by gates. you can't enter anywhere close to it. I swear the gates have been moved up. And you can see security in black heavily armed on the roof. so much for "the home of the people"

We ended the day by visiting friends who were hilarious and going to springfield mall.

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