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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

People killin'/people dyin'/children hurt and you hear them crying/can you practice what u preach/& would u turn the other cheek/...where is the love"

Dear readers,
Life is hard. I know that you all know that but sometimes it helps to know that life is hard for everyone. Not just you. Everyone is tortured by the difficulties in their own lives and to be honest it dosen't help to know that someone has it worse than you. But what I feel, weather it be wrong or right, is that we are the only ones who can make life easier for ourselves. We can do this by doing simple things like getting of rid of the relationships in our lives that give us the most stress and the most pain. Another thing we can do that I think is super important is making sure there is a time everyday where you can do the things you love. Don't let anyone get in the way of that time. I don't care if your jail and the evil gaurd dosen't understand the importance of Khloe and Kourtney take Miami; if thats what you love you need to find the way.

Another thing I think makes life hard is the fact that there are people out there who take advantage of other people. They make them do all their dirty work and use you. Sometimes its the people that love you the most that are the hardest on you. They don't realize how much their using you because the truth is you let them! People all over need to stand up for themselves. Weather it be to their husbands, their bosses, or even their fathers. Because it is not fair for some people to do all the work and others live the good life. It should never be like that in a home, a workplace, or any kind of community that people have. I'll give you an example of someone getting used. I know a lady, who is very nice. She has two children. Both children she has living with her mother until she finishes some of the stuff she wants to do to "set up" her life. About a year ago she got pregnant AGAIN with a third child. Theres nothing wrong with bring babies into the world but guess what shes going to do with that baby? send him to mommy. The mother is getting used in this situation. I think if your going to give birth you better take care of you child and not put anyone else in charge of your responsibilities.

The last thing that I think may make life easier is listing all the good things that you have going in life. I mean, everyone has SOMETHING good going for them. It think people don't put enough emphasis in the good as they put in the bad. So maybe a little optimism can lighten the load of all the people hurting out there. Thats millions of people. I thank god that I have a good life. Part of that is from focasing on the good. Yes there are a couple downers in my life as in everyones but what are we gonna do? thats life. Someday I believe everyone will get at least one of the many good things they were looking forward too.

song of the day: A dream is a wish you heart makes - Cinderella

quote of the day: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. - Bhudda

I thought since I was talking a lil about modern life, I would use the song I relaly love. Its Where is the Love by the black eyes peas. The lyrics are great and its just a good song about the world today.

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