Hello Readers! So I ended the last blog on a cliff hanger talking about sucsess. Kobe Bryant is a great example of sports sucsess. He went from a high school basketball team straight to the NBA. Thats a pretty big deal and you have to have a lot of talent. Barack Obama had political sucsess. He graduated from Harvard law school, voluntered as a community person, got a job as a chicago senetor, and went straight to President of the United States. Drake has musical sucsess. His name was sort of known from his apperances on Degrassi. Then he gets a number one hit out of no where. Before he even has an album. Everyone in america has heard best I ever had and if that didn't steal your heart check out find your love. It will. Kim Kardashian has had sucsess but before that shes had luck. She was Paris Hiltons best friend for a while and through that her name became known. She brought her whole family to the top of the buisness and look at them now. How did all these people do it? What is the key to sucsess?
Thats a question on most everyones mind. A lot of people dream about someday being on top of the world like some the people I meantioned above. They dream of somehow reaching an unimaginable level of sucsess. I myself don't know what the exact key to sucsess is. But I have a clue. If you ask most people they'll say knowledge. To reach a level of sucsess you need a great education. Obama is living proof that a great education will get you there. After all, knowledge is power. Anyone who dosen't believe that is a little bit on the stupid side. How am I so sure about that? Well look north korea. Their living breathing people just like us under dictatorship. And how does their dictator keep them down? By deneying them knowledge. I don't just mean a desk and a school book but he deneys them worldly knowledge by taking away t.v., and the internet. Hes kept his people down for years. His tactic worked. I mean come on, name one famous sucsessful person from North Korea? Africa is also a good example, because they have been the poorest nation in the world for years and will be for years to come unless they get the knowledge. Good schools that will produce good educated leaders.
But if education is the key to sucsess how come khloe and kim kardashian don't have a college degree? This brings up the others keys to sucsess. The most famous one is being born into it, like jayden smith. He was born into a family thats able to give him the gift of sucsess at his birth. The third thing important to the train of sucsess, is talent. Of any kind. Sure Kim and Jayden were born into a lot of money, but if they didn't have the talent they woulden't be able to stay on top. Kim has a talent of fashion and creativity. Those two things have gotten her pretty far. She also has amazing confidence that makes a her a prime choice as a model. Jayden has the acting talent, some would say he was born w/it. The last thing that could lead to sucsess is luck. In reality there are 6 billion people in the world each with their own special gift or talent. Some are lucky enough to be able to share their talent with their world leading them to sucsess. Others or not. All you can do is work hard to sculp whatever your talent is and hope that maybe one day your name will be in bold letts on my blog :)
song of the day: I like it - Enrique Iglasias
quote of the day: The future has a way of arriving unannounced - George Will
About Me

- Forever yours, Mariam
- My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Baby I like it, the way you move on the floor/Oh yes I like it screaming like never before/ I, I like it/party karamu fiesta forever" - I like it
jayden smith,
keys to sucsess,
Kim Kardashian,
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