Hello Everyone!
Its friday! Yay! The snow is still on the round and the view from my window is kind of a little beautiful. Its warm in here and i'm more thankful then ever for havin a roof over my head. So i've been hearing about quite a few interesting news stories. I'll start with the miraculous one, because theres nothing like a miracle to cheer a person on. So there was a girl, 23 years old who was kidnapped at only a few days old and found her parents! Exciting right? When she was an infant in the hospital, this women dressed up as a nurse and stole the baby. How suckish would that be? Someone just steals your new born baby and raises her as her own when shes a real quack. Apperently this happens all the time, peoples babies get stolen or mixed up. I think if I was a mother who just gave birth I woulden't want them to take my baby away, i'd rather I be able to stay in the same room. The girl figured out she was a stolen baby when her fake "mother" wasen't able to produce a birth certificate for her, and thats really fishy. All of you should have a birth certificate, if you don't then something fishy's going on. But when she realized that she may be stolen or something she went to the police, matched her DNA and age and they set her up with her real parents.
So she has a happy but akward ending. Can you imagine having to meet your own parents. You'd be super worried about what to talk about, and they may feel more connected to you then you feel to them. Its really rough and hard to imagine. But i'm glad the psyco women didn't kill her though. Shes still on the loose so protect your babies readers. On the subject of babies, did you hear about the school where 90 of the students are pregnant or gave birth earlier this year (as is 2011). Its a high school, in Memphis, TN. Can you believe that? Kim Kardashian, someone I semi- look up too spoke about this earlier and I was really with her on this one. She spoke about how having a baby changes your life and most people just aren't ready to do that anywhere from 15-18 years of age. People watch these shows like Teen Mom, and Secret Life of the American Teenager and get all these crazy ideas about what it will be like for them. Its fun to watch, but not so fun to live from waht I can think of. These are 90 students, meaning they probably don't have any jobs or places of their own. Where are they gonna put these babies? You know its really easy to get pregnant, but to raise your baby and teach them all the things they need to no isen't easy.
Another thing I don't get is at this point don't we all know about condoms and birth control? I feel like if your old enough to have sex you should be old enough to protect yourself from whats out there. I understand that some people can't use birth control because of religious affiliations, but other then that its a good way to keep yourself from being in an impossible to handle situations. Babies are hard work, 18 years of it. And you may have a lot of love in your heart but not have what it takes to bring up a child in a happy, healthy enviorment. I personally don't believe in abortion & I bet some of those girls don't either. But maybe they could consider adoption and some other resources if their not fit to be mothers. I also wonder who fathered these children. If this is a posative situation there are 90 different fathers but part if me thinks it could be a one man/two baby situation. Theres so much that goes into this story but just pray for these teens. Keep them in your posative thoughts and hopefully they'll be able to raise future presidents and actors. I want nothing but the best for all of them, but I wrote some of this harsh stuff so that those of you who are thinking about getting yourself in a situation would remember that its not as easy as it looks on t.v.
song of the day: Tied together with a smile by Taylor Swift
quote of the day: "Girls," she pleaded, "please, think very carefully before you make these kinds of decisions. Talk to your family, friends, teachers, and most of all, be careful."
- Kim Kardashian
About Me

- Forever yours, Mariam
- My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)
Friday, January 21, 2011
"No one knows that you cry & you don't tell anyone/That you might not be the golden one/Your tied together with a smile but your coming undone"
90 pregnant teens,
Kim Kardashian,
Teen moms
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