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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"I have a dream that one day/I'ma look deep within myself/i gotta find a way/My dream is to be free"

Hey Everyone!
It's been awhile, I think you should all know that its snowing over here and it looks beautiful. And I have two stories to tell you, one of an ultimate high and the other of an ultimate low. I'm going to start with the good news but if your reading this from oldest to newest you might end up hearing the bad news first. oh well. The good news is that this last long weeked I went to an amazing Christian Youth Event called Miqra. Miqra means public reading of the bible in hebrew. Hebrew is the original language of the christian faith for those of you who don't know because we recieved the old testement from the jewish. At this event the bible is being read every second till monday morning when we end with Revelations the last page of the bible. But we really don't end up hearing much of it. The whole time we play games, and have awesome activities.

This even was held at this beautiful cathedral, with amazing stain glass windows of every color and shape. There were plenty of candles and the location had a good feel to it. When my dad dropped me off I was really worried and prepared to spend a weekend by myself. This was because I didn't know anyone at the event. What I didn't know was that i'd end up spending the next 72 hours of my life with some of the kindest people around. Everyone there was so nice, and I just knew it was the God in them. I go to school with some pretty rude people so going to this event opened my eyes to a different and better life. These kids were very friendly, almost all watched glee, some weren't allowed to date or get on sites like facebook and they didn't complain or do it behind their parents backs. They were really cool to me for that. The adults were really nice as well.

We played a really awesome game where we got 25 song lyrics and we had to guess the song. Of course I was beast at that game because I always have song lyrics for this blog , so I really helped my "tribe". At youth events we almost always have tribes previously known as family groups. Its just a small group that you can meet up with to do activities that you get assigned with and can get closer too people and god then when your in a big group. Afterwards we took pictures describing all the lyrics. We sang plenty of praise and worship songs and of course read the bible. That was the first time i've read the bible for an hour strait. I was pleased with what I read and inspired to read more. The whole thing was on youtube so my family saw it and it was cool :)

We also had a dance that was fun. We did stuff like the electric slide, cha cha slide, cupids shuffle, thriller dance, and some other stuff. They also jammed out to Teach Me How to Dougi and Bottoms up and stuff. Yes we were in a church, and yes it was ok. We're episcopalian and we embrace who we are. If you don't listen to bottoms up in a church but listen it at home who are you lying too? The big man upstairs knows what you do in church and out. I had a great time and met some cool people. It was a great expireance

song of the day: I have a dream by Common

quote of the day: An indivisual has not started living until he can rise about the narrow confines of his indiviualistic concerns to the broader concerns of humanity - Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

  1. hey! I haven't been here in a long time either, sorrrrry!

    I remember going to a cathedral once with my school. Amazing.

    Looks like you had fun.

    Stay smiling
