About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

"I'd catch a grenade for you/Throw my hand in a blade for you/I'd jump in front of a train for you/I'd do anything for you (yeah yeah yeah)"

Hello My Lovely Followers!
Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy New Years! Goodbye 2010 and hello 2011. Its a new year, and we are all free to start with a clean slate. I didn't realize how ready I was for a fresh start at life until 12:00 finally hit and the weight of the world just escaped my shoulders. I was totally free to start a new. It sounds cheesy but I really felt relieved. This year I want to really live. This whole wanting to feel alive thing started with an episode of gossip girl for me. This women talked about how few moments people really feel alive and on top the world. Really feel good and glad to be on this planet. This year I don't want to go through days of the week numb. I want to go through everything with a posative outlook. State my opinions when they need to be stated and say what I feel. 2010 I held so much in, I didn't say what I wanted to say, and I struggled to say hey, I need you.

We live in a busy world where life is 24/7 now with the blackberry always buzzing. This year I want to be less in the electronic world and more in my own. The time I waste on my iphone is pretty crazy, but theres always so much to do. Its like the perfect little device to help you live through other people with sites like Facebook and Twitter. I'm still going to use all those websites but way less. Thats one of my goals for this year. I also want to have some good meaningful conversations this year. I like to talk and speak my mind but I don't really ever have the right oppurtunities. With my family yes, but I want to talk more to friends and feel a closness to more people. I want to feel less alone. I also want to work towards a level of sucsess weather it be with my book, or my music. I love writting and I need to find time every day to do it. I have a new book idea for 2011 based off of this crazy dream I had. I'd like to complete both these books this year. I also want to make some cool songs where I get my points and feelings across. I want to dive into my music and make it a higher priority in my life.

These are just a few things I have in mind for the new year and i'll keep you updated as I discover new interests and make new goals or resolutions for myself. This is the first of many blogs that I hope to write this year. This is something else I want to dive back into. I want to do more blogging series as well as just random blogs. I'd also like to do more inspirational blogs, books, and songs. The world is cold and mean enough as it is, no need to add more negativity to it. Right now its 1/1/11. It will never be this day again, carpe diam! Seize the day and enjoy every moment of it. Don't foget to make a wish at 11:11, because I have a feeling that on a day of all ones theres a higher chance of the wish coming true.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year filled with love, joy, and hapiness. We all have the potential to reach greatness and lets let 2011 be the year that we do :)

song of the day: Grenade by Bruno Mars: I wanted to pick the first song of 2011 with terrible consideration but every time I tried to think the lyrics "Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?" poped into my head. So I figured it was meant to me. For the girl readers, lets use this song to inspire us to find a guy who would catch a grenade for us. For those who don't know a grenade is like a small bomb.

quote of the day: 1/1/11 this is the year of 1. With love and sacrifice let's find our unity. Celebrate our differences and embrace our similarities. #Weare1 - Ashton Kutcher, the first tweet I favorited in 2011

1 comment:

  1. A very very happy new year to you too!
    May it bring you all that you desire, happiness, laughter love and joy. And may your dreams and wishes be transformed into realities.

