About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Pretty Pretty Please/Dont you ever ever feel like your less then f--cking perfect"

I've missed you all, very much. This last month of my life has been crazy weird. I spent the last month rehersing like crazy to make my high school "talent show" thats simply for singing. I found out today that only one of my groups made it, so I basically wasted the last month of my life. At first I thought I would cry, but you can say that i'm used to dissapointment. I work really hard on a lot of things and they just don't work out. I guess you can say i'm pretty unlucky. I try to make myself feel better by reminding myself that a lot of people just want a nice family and good health and I have that but it still doesn't make all theses no's and rejections feel any better.

This month I also got over prince. Yup, that same prince I spent the whole history of this blog praising and adoring. I wasted my time on that one too but I honestly don't blame him. If I were him I woulden't love me either. I know it sounds like I have low self-esteem, i'm not i'm just honest with myself. I never really talked to him, I was pretty akward when he was around, and we never really had the oppurtunity to get to know each other and click. Not to mention I'm not what I should be. I'm not exactly the fitting "perfect american girl". I feel fat, because i'm bigger then a lot of people. I'm short, and I have values so I'm not easy. Guys like easy, fun, flirty types and thats just not me. You have to break through my "facade" that I built to protect myself from the wrong people, and rejection in order to actually see who I am. Sometimes I wonder if i'll always be alone... Oh well, I'd rather be alone then treated like i'm not even there. I totally tweeted him trying to start something, being friendly and he just ignored me like he was the king and I was a peasent. Fuck that! (Excuse my lanuage). I don't deal with that kind of treatment.

A lot of female singers have been writting these self empowerment songs and their totally right. We shoulden't let guys treat us like we're nothing. Even if their as "perfect" as I made prine sound in all these blogs. No ones worth you feeling like a nothing. Absolutley no one. Us girls deal with so much, and guys feel like its ok to treat us that way. We need to stand up to that kind of stuff and show that we won't be held down or made to feel unworthy of anyone or anything. Which brings me to the song of the day...

song of the day: f--king perfect by Pink (Great song, don't let the f word turn you away)

quote of the day: Fly like a butterfly, Sting like a bee


  1. Beautiful and such an inspiring post!
    You're so right, just because you don't give into society's demands doesn't make you any less better than any one else.
    You should be respected for who you are, and not what you are. And hopefully you will find someone who does just that

  2. Thanks! I have all the same wishes for you :)
