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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Your strings of light are still bright to me/Oh,who you are is not where you've been/Your still an innocent"

Hi faithful followers,
I figured I should start by my mini epiphanies. I've been having them all weekend. Here it goes, 1. this blog is totally my sanity. Theres too much I keep inside and with this blog I get to let it all out. You have no idea how freeing it is. My head hurts right now from analysis and physics homework, but now that I'm typing these words out its slowly going away. 2. Music makes me happy. Listening to Taylor Swifts speak now album makes me smile. And making music is my way of expressing the feelings I can't express any other way with the exception of the blog. 3. My epiphanies totally aren't as cool as the ones in the movie where they figure out a cure for a deadly disease or the numbers to the lottery. But hey, you start small and work your way up.

Last night I was thinking to myself, is hope just another way of lying to yourself. What do you guys think about this? The definition of hope is: the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. Lying to yourself is kind of the same thing. You know like when people do something their not supposed to their like, hmm maybe no one will find out (events will turn out to be the best). Or just because he didn't text back doesn't mean he doesn't like me (dido on the hoping for the best thing). They seem pretty alike to me. I wonder if I'm just being pessimistic. That may be it. Anyways after mulling it over for a little while I figured out that Hope is different from lying in the way that I can't really explain in words. A.k.a I prefer not to think i'm lying to myself when I dream of a better future or a better day. Because I just do I guess. Don't we all. Thats why we call it hope. Without hope, the world would be pretty scary don't you think? Nobody would put effort in anything because they would think things would turn out for the best. So its good that we all have hope, even if we may just be lying to ourselves. Are you confuzzled? I am too.

Next topic, Today is election day and its a pretty big deal. I like politics and although we're not voting for president in this election, we are voting for Governors and members of congress. Here in my town we're also voting for the government to fund an awesome new library!But the thing about tonights election is if the republicans take over a majority of congress then everything Obama's been working towards is ruined. Because no matter what plan he comes up with the republicans will probably just all vote no and if their a majority this will happen and none of his bills will pass. If you believe the republican way then this is a good thing if you don't its a bad thing. I'm curious to see how the whole ordeal will turn out.

On the celebrity news side, Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are having a baby. They don't know weather its a girl or a boy yet but congratulations to the happy couple. Lilly Allen on the other hand got some sad news, she lost her second pregnancy. Poor thing, we should all keep her in our prayers/posative thoughts. Demi Levato checked into rehab but not the lindsey lohan kind, shes having some physical/emotional problems and needs help. In my opinion thats code for my boyfriend dumped me for Ashley Greene (alice in twilight) and i'm p.o'd about it. She may actually be going through some rough times so we should keep her in our posative thoughts too.

song of the day: Innocent - Taylor Swift (FROM SPEAK NOW, a super amazing album). This is the one about kanye

quote of the day: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, you should first dig two graves."

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